Neoxian Game Master Announcement: Never Have I Ever

Hey guys, Neoxian Game Master here. I’m sure everyone is hyped about this weekend’s game. This week’s announcement was delayed because I was en route to Navrongo for the neo-care donation (which we’ll be doing some day this week). More of that in another psost.

This Hive announcement to provide all the details of the game and answer some of the questions I was asked about the games. In this way, the Hive post will serve as a reference for new players who just found out about the game on Hive to refer to in order to understand the game. But we’ll still put the announcement on our City Discord too in #citygames for citizens who don’t want to check it out here on Hive. Announcements will always be posted on the city discord first so citizens have a first peek of the new game for the week.

I had thought of announcing it only in the city discord, but if I did that, the questions we answer will get lost up in chat (because the city chat is soooo busy) and new people who join the games from Hive or even new citizens will always keep asking the same questions to understand the games as well. So putting it here on Hive leaves a permanent reference to the gameplay guide and rules for everyone forever.

And Now The Reveal Of This Weekend’s Game

For the game of this weekend, we’ll be playing….

Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever is a kind of secret revealing game. Not your own, of course. For this game, one of the players present a situation in a Never have I ever….* scenario and everyone else responds.
Now on a normal, this game is played as a drinking game, so when the scenario has been presented and you’re guilty of the presented situation, you drink. But since we’re playing this as a virtual game, I’m forming a compromise so we don’t have to drink (because we really can’t).

Instead of drinking, I’m going to make it points based. Everyone at the start of the game has 10 points. Every time you’re found guilty of a Never have I ever scenario, you lose one point. We’ll have 18
rounds to play for this game so you’re out of the game when you run out of points.

Obviously, many people are going to lie to stay in the game, but I’m really hoping not, because the game is only as fun as we’re honest. The citizens left standing at the end of the game are the cities finest angels. Lol

As always, please bold your contributions to the game to separate it from the in-game chat.

The Discord Technicalities And General Gameplay Rules

  • I’ll create a giveaway in the giveaway room and everyone reacts to it. Unlike for the other games we’ve played, the giveaway I create will have one winner.
  • The winner of the giveaway presents their Never have I ever scenario and everyone reacts to their scenario with an emoji of their number. I’ll give an example. Let’s say I’m the first person the bot selects to play: My never have I ever scenario could be Never have I ever shoplifted. If @nhaji01 for example has shoplifted before, she loses one point, so she reacts to my Never have I ever scenario with 9. Now she has only 9 points left so if she’s guilty of the next never have I ever scenario again, she reacts with 8, then 7 and so on and so on until she has no points left, at which point she gets kicked out of the game.
  • The total gameplay time will be 1hour 30 minutes, 2 hours (or more, but hopefully not as it’ll get stressful) if the turn up is great and we still have many citizens who haven’t played.
  • There’ll be a sharps play time too. This one will be special for only sharps(obviously), but the date and everything is still under contemplation! I’ll choose the game, but the rules are entirely open to the entire sharp chat to decide. We could decide to include even choices that require the use of an active key. Lol just saying.
  • Mr Dragon🐲 will play with us once a while when he has some time to spare, to grace the occasion(I doubt that’ll happen often or at all though so no promises)

Gameplay Rules

  1. Have fun
  2. Have fun
  3. Be creative and interesting

For now these are pretty much all the rules. Be a human being and have fun, basically. Lol. I’m trying to keep it as simple as it can be to keep it fun. But we certainly need rules or else people will go overboard. Like I already said, as the weeks progresses, there’ll be tweaks to the rules and we’ll have different games every week(hopefully). If we want this to keep going though, the turnouts will have to be encouraging and participation should be good too.

It’s important to note though that the game is not just for people already in the Neoxian city. You can join us today and play with us this weekend!

Hive is so full of articles but people don’t really know what we look like offline. Our personalities and the stories behinds our lives. Come play with us this weekend in the Neoxian City Discord to have an off-chain interaction with some of the Hivers you already might know and find out more about them! Don’t miss it this Sunday!

This a real time countdown to the game time. Courtesy of Mr Dragon’s tech savviness:)

Please ask me questions if you don’t understand anything. If you have any concerns about any of the rules, please let me know too so we can review them before game time. You can tag and mention others I missed to mention in this post so they don’t miss out as well. A reblog and upvote will be appreciated too. Head over to the Neoxian City Discord on Sunday and let’s have some fun!!!*

@neoxian, @raymondspeaks, @xawi, @beyondthehoriz @sayee, @burlarj, @momogrow, @shrazi, @queenstarr, @vickoly, @b0s, @rubilu, @olujay, @quduus1, @justfavour, @nhaji01, @nkemakonam89, @moremoney28, @abdul-qudus, @sholex, @princessbusayo, @yahuzah, @mercysugar, @merit.ahama, @hopestylist, @jimah1k, @tiyumtaba, @cheeamaka, @queen-silvia, @actordontee.

Sorry about the tag, guys. If you’d like me to stop tagging you in the next game night publications, please let me know on the comments and I will. If I missed your username in the tag and you’d like me to tag you next time, please do let me know too.

Oh and before I forget, I made good on my promise about posting our story. You can check it out here. As promised I set all the 9 citizens who contributed to the story 11% beneficiaries each. Thanks for all your contributions again.

Game night cover image design credit is to @olujay

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