My years greatest achievement: Not giving up on my daughter and life

What is the most rewarding accomplishment you have achieved thus far this year? It can be something big/small or something you've done for yourself or someone else.

Hello great city of neoxian, is my first time joining a prompt here and I'm glad to be in the city too.

this is her tiny face

Reading through this topic since yesterday after I saw the prompt, I have been thinking seriously, asking my self what I have accomplished this year, looking back from January till now, I'm still wondering what I have achieved and the best thing I have achieved and grateful for this year is NOT GIVING UP yeah, yeah you have heard me right.

Outside the challenge and hardship we face here in Nigeria, I almost give up this year, I wanted to just leave and abandon everyone around me and runaway or better still end it all. I know you will be asking "for what reason?"

I still remember this day, the day we took her away from the hospital

After I had my first baby, few month later, I took in again and I gave birth to another beautiful daughter, I was happy and we all celebrated, my problem started when she couldn't stand up straight, after three month last year nothing, instead she keeps having health challenge here and there, countless times the hospital became my home, as a mother, I keep crying and praying for a miracle, January this year she turn one still no hope, I was very worried, people started talking, telling me to give her this and that, I bought drugs of al kinds, milk upon milk, I will deprive the sister and make sure she feels comfortable still no improvement. I will call my mum and I will be crying to her, she will give me motivational words still it wasn't helping matters.

One day, a neighbor had the boldness to tell me her daughter told her I have a small baby, the way she said it, I was very sad, I will come home and my baby will be lying there just looking at me, no talks, no smiles, no nothing.

After she walk, I took her out for fun

One year, three month she started crawling at least I had hope, I kept praying and hoping. People came with their solution, doctors, some even attribute it to witchcraft, I was strong at this point in time, I was unmovable, I refused with everything not to pay attention to anybody.

July ending, she stood up one night and boom started working, I was so excited 😀😀😀😀😀💃💃💃💃💃💃. Though I can't say it like it was, I'm grateful that I did not give up.

I still have alot to achieve and I know I will definitely do it before the years run out.

In my little mess, I was still there to help a friend who lost tract life pathway, I was there to support her, console her and help her heal when her supposed to be husband left her for another so this I add in my portfolio too for the year. She nearly ended her life but God used me immensely to speak to her and today she is happy living her life outside the man.

Now the madam of the house, making trouble here and there

Thank you for the opportunity to share, I feel so grateful.
My smiling face, seeing her happy and running.

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