I bought a subscription for Brilliant.org

Subscription for Brilliant.org

So roughly a week ago I asked via #wave (here) if anyone had used the Brilliant.Org app before and if it was worth it.
From that #wave nobody had tried it, but I still wanted to try it to see what it could, what I could learn and if it was worth it :D

I have been using it for that week now almost daily and lets look at it.

Brilliant have somewhat gamified their learning with their leaderbroad where you compete against other people (Bots or not, dno) to move up into another League weekly! Well, I don't really care about that unless there are prizes by climbing.
But it properly motivates some.

You can also see your streak which depending on how long your streak are, I can see being a reason for people to comeback and not wanted to lose that aswell.
Again, not something I care about xD

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Their UI is fairly simplified and you gain XP when you complete a Lesson which is how you get to the Leagues.

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This is just a screenshot of what I going through right now, which is Creative Coding.
I was also doing Computer Science which is Level 1, but I jumped to Coding since I am more interested in looking at Python and not theories on how computers work oO

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Brilliant have a lot of Learning Paths. These are just some! I can't fit all of those within a few pictures. But I can write some.

The overall Topics are:
Computer Science

Overall Topics with a shit ton of Lessons under them.

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There is a lot of fun Topics to chose from and you don't have to go from Level 1 to Level 5, if you are interested in anything, you can jump to it, no problems!

One thing I will say is that they sometimes throw in "High Level" Math, without haven't taught you how to Calculated it, which is a bit weird if you ask me.
But thats kinda the only weird thing about it and they could also suggust you checking out some maths before going into lessons if those lessons requires math.

Overall - I like it, its better than just sitting on Social Medias and I can do it on my Phone while to back and forth to work. It does cost me $20usd a month for the access to their courses.

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