HP/RC Delegation Options for Dividends on Hive!

Hive Community

We as the Hive Community is blessed by the many ways of earning a little bit extra liquid Hive, Tokens or HP.
A lot of us know about the regular ways, like Posting, Commenting and Curating!

But there is a lot of Dividend paying tokens on Hive and also accounts paying out that Token by delegating HP and even a Token paying out for delegation RC!

Most of us know that $BRO is paying out liquid and if you delegate to Brofi you will get $BRO in retur! + Legion as an Airdrop ;)

$EDS pays out Hive aswell and you get those by buying their miner EDSM or EDSMM or just buying $EDS on the market

I have try to find new tokens paying out some kinda of Hive or Swap.hive which I didn't knew off.
I found $COM, $COM isn't new and its part of @hivehustlers, but it pays out in Swap.Hive.

You can get $COM by either Staking $HUSTLER Tokens or by delegating HP to @hivehustlers. By delegating to @hivehustlers you support their project and help increases the rewards they give us :D I have just delegated 3K :D

You do need to stake your $COM to receive Swap.Hive.

$BYT is also paying out in Swap.Hive. I had a few before, but I sold it when it went up in price, but I am looking to sell other tokens and get some $BYT again.

The one paying out in their token from delegating RC is @youarealive. I literally just found that out today! So I delegated 10,000.00b RC (Whatever that equals to in HP) - Its not the best option to get more $alive tokens, you are better off delegating some HP since the APR is much higher. But! Many of us have some RC idling, I would sugguest delegating it to @youarealive and get some more $alive for yourself which pays out in many different tokens :D

I haven't seen any other token pay out by delegating RC to them.

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