What is your phobia?

Phobia is an extreme fear of something.

I want to believe that every human has a natural phobia although some people may yet to discover their own because they never explore to the extent of finding it out.


Based on the one I have experienced, I would be listing my phobias.


This is the fear of heights and the first time I discovered this was in the year 2014, I remember vividly that one of the telecommunication companies wanted to erect their mast in front of the house where I lived, and we the members of the community were employed to do labor for them, so I decided to climb the mast as I have seen their main workers done but I have not even taken many steps, as I look down, I started feeling dizzy and was losing control of myself that I had to close my eyes and get down as fast as I can and that was how I knew height is not in my favor and must avoid anything of such.


This is the fear of being stuck in a tight space or small place, I am someone that does not feel good when there is not enough air for me to breathe in, I saw something online recently, a sane man woke up and felt the next thing for him to do was to crawl inside a small hole in a cave and unfortunately for him, he got stuck there and died 24 hours later, up till now his dead body is still stuck in that cave because there was no way to get him out.

I know this is one of the things I will never try out because my phobia of confined spaces won't let me risk my life.



This is the fear of public speaking, I do not like addressing crowds, years ago when I was a teacher, public speaking was mandatory to address and motivate the students, we have a rooster and one teacher needs to come out on Friday to do it... whenever it is the week for me to do this, I am always nervous, and even during the speech, my heart is always in my mouth until I finish my speech later I figured out a way to not do it anymore which is by coming late to school on the day I am supposed to address the students.


First of all, you can't find this in the dictionary or Google lol... Sapa is a Nigerian slang and it means being broke[when you have no money] so in that way, we can say Sapaphobia is the fear of being broke.

This is one of my worst fears, having no money to eat or do necessary things, especially taking care of my family... Yea, going broke means I won't be able to provide anymore and the worst of it is who is going to provide for my needs!

This is the reason why I am frugal, I only buy the things that I need not things that I desire because I don't want a situation where I would later have to sell those things just to survive.... I think this sapa phobia is something most people should have so it can teach them how to manage money and not lavish the little they have on liabilities...

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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