The humanoid bot - Optimus

Recently, there was news that Elon Mask has developed a humanoid bot called Optimus and it was revealed two days ago, that this bot would be able to do laundry and other tasks...


One thing human needs to know is that even though we developed bots, we can never be better than them, it is like trying to calculate faster than a calculator, so they will always be faster and better than us...

There are advantages to having a robot and many disadvantages.

I will be talking about the disadvantages first!

The first is that it will render people jobless and the crime rates might increase at this point because most rich people would not want the service of humans to babysit, do their laundry, or take care of their home anymore when there are efficient bots that can do it better.

The good news is that the robot is quite expensive, it costs a whooping sum of 30,000 dollars, which automatically cuts the percentage of those who can afford to purchase it cos not everyone has such an amount to spend on a bot when human service costs less. We can say the Optimus bot is for the super-rich people for now and hope it stays that way so people can keep their jobs.*


Another disadvantage of this bot is that it makes people super lazy, If I owned such a bot, I might not want to lift my fingers again since all I need to do is give a command to the bot and all I want will be done! maybe it would be able to carry me to the bathroom and bathe me too lol.

Humans are not designed to be that lazy, we need to exercise our body to get rid of calories and also keep our body system in shape so having something that makes us super lazy is not what we need.

Well from the disadvantages I have mentioned, the advantages can be picked out too, which are the bot would be able to make life easier for us by doing most things we want them to do, they can do it better and faster than humans, the bot would always obey us and put us first...

Now the biggest fear is what we have all watched in robotic movies, like iRobot and Subservience, the bots malfunctioned and became a threat to human race, hope that won't happen for real because it would be scary to wage war against things much stronger than us.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

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