The combo of Elias Max pruiit and Commander slade

Happy weekend Splinter nerds

The rebellion reward cards are good in battles and it will be tough for those who haven't started playing Splinterlands now because when these cards are no longer rewarded like other editions, it will be difficult to have a good win rate without them.

Commander Slade

Commander Slade.jpg

This is Commander Slade, one of the rebellion's rare reward cards that belongs to the water splinter... This monster won an important battle for me which is the reason why I am making a post about it.


It is well loaded for a melee monster, 6 speed, 5 melee attacks, 7 armor, and 10 health! now let us talk about his special abilities.... at level 1, it has dodge and enfeeble the dodge and speed make it difficult to be hit by melee and ranged monsters while the enfeeble reduces the melee attack of the opponent monsters that he hit.

At level 3, it will gain Reflection shield and it was this ability that saved me in a battle I will share below, not to skip important details, it also possesses Backfire ability at max level which does damage back to range and melee monsters that miss their attack on it.

So I am currently playing a wild gold league tournament [ gold cards], which means all gold cards can be used and emp only has chaos gold cards, not all chaos yet too, and also a few rebellion gold cards and reward gold cards, so my options to select from is limited.

I was paired with Naturalkiller and checked his deck, he has more gold cards than me but I kept my hopes up and clicked on battle!


We were given 3 rules, the first was a new rule Heavy metal which indicates we can only summon monsters with armor, the second rule was blood and sunder which means all units gain corrosive ward and the last rule was Equal opportunity, all units attack the monster with the lowest health.

I love the Equal opportunity ruleset as it means no barrier to the kind of monster I can use since melee too can attack from any position. So I set up my team using Elias MAx Pruitt to summon the monsters.

battle link

The opponent came with Eternal Tofu one of the most dreadful summoners in Splinter Lands now, and after seeing the summoner, it was obvious my melee monsters wouldn't survive and his monsters would do justice to my other monsters too but Commander Slade changed my fate

I gave it the armored strike and piercing stats from Elias so Slade's attack was strong and brutal... He killed almost all the opponent squad but not without the support of swamp spitter who supported him with armor repair.

The team made winning possible, but they wouldn't have a chance without Commander Slade.

if you want to be a part of this week's Splinterlands community engagement challenge, you can join from here

All pictures are gotten from Splinterlands lore and game

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