Two huge accomplishment of mine

I always anticipate this prompt because it topics are always intriguing, just like always this week prompt just forced me to analyze what i have really achieved this 2024 that is about to end, and after analysis i have achieved 70% of my bucket list and am happy with myself tho there are somethings left.

Like the title indicates , I have two huge accomplishment since January till date, lets see what those accomplishments are and why i said they are accomplishments to me.

My Two huge accomplishment.

I paid part of my debt.

If you have ever been in debt before you will understand what it feels like to have a debt to pay, especially when the income is not steady and is very poor.

I have a debt of 800,000 Naira which amount to 2800 hive, as at October 2023 when i quit my secular job due to health issues, i was really thinking how i wil be able to pay this huge debt when i don't have a job, but at that point my life was more important.

As at December 2023 i was still confused and sad over the debt because i had almost nothing but i trusted in Jehovah that my April or May of this 2024 i will pay part of that debt.

By early March i started powerdown which was so painful because that wasn't my intention for my hive wallet but at this point there is nothing i can do.

After 3 months i stopped the powerdown i sold my liquid hive and got 350,000 Naira and i quickly went to the bank and sent it to the lady , that was part payment, i was extremely happy, i never knew i would have seen that money to give her at that time.

The unfortunate part is that i can't disappoint this lady because she gave me shelter when i had no place to stay, it won't be nice at all if i wrong her.

She was very happy when she received the money, likewise me too.

That was my first accomplishment for the year, lets take a look at the second one.

I traveled home.

One might be wondering why traveling home is an achievement to me.

Its an achievement because those from the eastern side of Nigeria who leave in lagos will confirm to it that if you don't have upto 200,000 Naira in your account you can't travel home by land, not by airooo, transportation money is very expensive so anyone that was able to get such money and travel is really a great person and would definitely count it as an achievement.

Personally it was 2 years plus that i haven't set my eyes on my parents and my siblings, that has been eaten me up because i have never stayed away from my parents for even a month but life became soo difficult that i couldn't afford transportation money to travel.

So finally when i was able to raise transportation money and travelled it was really a great accomplishment to me.

I really had fun in the village, i eat fresh vegetables and corn and fruits, i enjoyed staying with my family because i have missed them at lot, i spent 3 weeks before returning back to Lagos.

Circumstances made traveling to see my parents an achievement.

I learned how to bead my bracelet and necklace.

Since i stopped working i have been thinking about skills that can assist me in caring for my needs, creativity is very important in this difficult system we leave in.

So i decided to visit YouTube and learn how to make my necklace and bracelet for myself and am so happy that i can now create for myself what i like.

And people place orders and i also make necklace and bracelet for them, and its giving me so much joy.

I also have learning crocheting in my bucket list and i have started practicing how to do it, hopefully very soon i will be perfect.


Those three achievements gives me so much joy but two gives me much more joy, the fact that i was able to pay part of that debt, yes am still owing a large amount but at least am hopeful that will pay the remaining amount.

Traveling to see my parents was another wonderful experience and an accomplished too to me, so am grateful.

Self examination helps to dictate some achievements that helps you to be happy and continue moving despite life challenges.

Thank you everyone for stopping by.

All images are mine

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