Most memorable gift

A gift that came at the right time will always be remembered no matter how many years it was given.

Its over 17yrs but i have not forgotten that faithful day i got my first phone as a gift from a friend.

That faithful evening.

It was 6:00 p.m. in the evening and I had a sound of motorcycle coming in to our compound I wasn't expecting anyone so I was looking out to see who was coming.

It was uchenna my friend who left for work in the morning and never told me he was coming to our place later in the evening so I was surprised to see him.

Immediately he came down I ask him "what happened?"he said "nothing I just decided to come and see you"
Okay you never told me you were coming later in the evening I replied, he smile and said I should get him a seat which I did immediately.

So he was holding a little bag and I was thinking what was inside the bag, so I ask him "what do you have in that bag?"jokingly he replied me"your head"so I smiled.

I quickly rushed to the kitchen to go and tell my mom that uchenna was around and we need to make food for him so my mom said okay no problem.

He started calling me to come that he wants to go so I was surprised and I ask him "you're going so soon" he said"yes it's late"so I was still wondering why he came, but you never said anything at that point.

He went to the kitchen and said goodbye to my mom and came out so I went to see him off to where he parked his motorcycle, and he told me "I got something for you"

I was so excited thinking that it is something I can eat not knowing that it was a phone which has been my dream for a while as almost everyone in my school had phone.

He opened his bag and brought out Nokia phone in its pack, so I was still thinking what was in the pack, he gave it to me to open and see for myself.

Immediately I opened it and saw that it was a phone I was overly excited I jumped up and hugged him I started crying because I was not expecting that.

Who was uchenna?

You might be wondering who uchenna was to get me a phone at that time when only few people in the village had access to phone.

Uchenna was a family friend that always visits our house and we do things together, so he will always hear me lament on how my classmates then where using phones and how difficult it has been for me to contact my classmates to know when we have lectures and other practicals in school.

So he thought about it and he felt that he can help me by getting me a phone, I wasn't expecting such gift from anyone because I knew my parents couldn't afford by me a phone then but I always dreamed of having a phone.

Yes it has been over 17 years now but that was the most memorable gift I have received, a gift that give me opportunity to communicate with people when I want to, a gift that gave me a access to speak with people who are not within my vicinity or my country.

Unfortunately from then till now no one have gifted me a phone so I will say that that was the most memorable gift of my life but maybe in the future I will get another gift that will also be precious like the gift from uchenna.

Posted using Neoxian City

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