Kaarthigai Deepam - Festival of Lamps

Today for a change I wanted to write a different article that had nothing to do with crypto but something interesting. This is a festival we celebrate in our place every year. A few decades back this used to be one of the biggest festivals celebrated every year and those who get married celebrate this festival in a grand manner in their first year of Karthigai Deepam. Kaarthigai here is the month on which this is celebrated.

In Tamil Nadu, the southernmost part of India, we celebrate the day as Karthigai Deepam. It is a festival where we light lamps inside and outside the house and decorate the house fully with lamps. It is a belief that we light lamps to drive away darkness and bring light to our life and family.



I took the above photos today from our celebration. We used to light lots of lamps all over the house. Now that we have so many other busy things in our life, the festivals are getting simple these days. I'm guessing we have to bring that sanctity back again to have a great celebration. The younger generation even forgets what happened in the past and new methods are being followed these days which is also good.

People usually confuse this with the Diwali festival. Diwali is also a festival of lights. In the northern part of India, people celebrate Diwali by lighting lamps and decorating the house with lamps. But in the southern part of India Diwali is celebrated differently. But on Karthigai Deepam which is today, we celebrate it with lamps decorated all over the house.

We have a place in Tamil Nadu called Thiruvannamalai where this festival is celebrated in a grand manner. There will also be a live telecast on television when there is a celebration happening in Thiruvannamalai. People also celebrate this festival by bursting crackers and sharing sweets.

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