The tramp and the woman



The rusty bars of the municipal kennel separated two seemingly different worlds. Behind them, an old homeless man looked around with tired eyes.

On the other side, a respectable-looking woman waited for her pet to be handed over to her.

Suddenly, their eyes met through the bars. It was only for an instant, but it was enough for them to recognise each other beyond appearances. Different lives, but twin essences of beings who had travelled a long way.

The wanderer saw in that stranger the dreamer woman he had once dreamt of.

The woman saw in the beggar's eyes the sparkle of illusions long forgotten. A spark of longing glowed simultaneously in their souls.

Without a word, following the same impulse, they turned their backs to the kennel. The tramp walked through the door that returned him to the street.

The woman refused to retrieve her pet and started walking in the same direction. They abandoned their ties to embark on a new quest, rediscovering their freedom.

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