Supernatural experience



I walked home late at night, walking the six blocks from the bar to my front door. The night was cold but quiet, as there were never any strange occurrences in our safe neighborhood.

I was walking along enjoying the silence of the night when, a couple of blocks away, I saw the figure of a woman walking slowly with a little boy on her arm. They were walking worriedly, looking at the ground. I was puzzled to see a woman and a child on the street at that hour.

I hurried to ask them if they needed help. But a few steps away from me, the woman stopped and looked up. Her face was sad and very pale. She stared at me and, as if I caused her fear, she carried the child in her arms.

At that moment, the little boy disappeared. I understood that what I saw was not of this world. They were ghosts or specters, not belonging to the earthly plane.

I took a few steps back, trying to run away, but my body did not respond. The night grew even colder and a dense fog covered the street completely. All I had before me was this ghostly woman.

Paralyzed, no matter how much I wanted to move I could not. The woman walked determinedly towards where I was. And when she arrived, she simply passed through my body as if I didn't exist.

A shiver ran through me from head to toe. I was finally able to react and I started to run without looking back, getting away from that supernatural experience that would leave me marked for life.

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