A young man with repair ability aka Armorsmith

Hey Splinterlanders!

In this week's challenge, we are back to monsters again. So this week we got to share a battle with promo edition monster named Armorsmith.

You can read more about this week's challenge on Splinterlands official post by visiting the following link.


Armorsmith is a common rarity promo edition monster with a melee attack lying in Life splinter. It comes with a Repair ability which keeps restoring some armor of that monster which has taken the most damage.

I've added the screenshot of my battle and you can also find a link to watch my battle below.


Watch the Battle

What was my Lineup?

It was a 19 mana battle with Weak Magic ruleset, I'll explain each monster used in the battle below.
So, let's move forward.

I went with Tyrus Paladium Life Summoner, as it gives +1 Armor to all friendly monsters. I used it because of the Weak magic ruleset. In this ruleset, using monsters with armor really helps as magic will be attacking armor first before it creates damage to health.

My first monster was an Old legendary monster Lord Arianthus, it's a good tank with no attack but many abilities. It comes with shield, void, magic reflect and thorns abilities at level 3.

Secondly, I used an EPIC ranged monster Air Elemental, it has good speed and dodge ability. I used it at the second place so that it can dodge the snipe attacks from my opponent.

3rd place I covered with a healer Divine Healer level 6. To heal my tank, using this old lady was necessary. It also has slow ability so it helped as well to attack first.

At the next position, I used Armorsmith level 4. Its repair ability helps restore armor of the friendly monster who got the most damage. Only my tank got health damage so it kept repairing its armor each round towards victory.

Next, I used level 1 Silvershield Bard, it's a rare promo monster, I just used it to fill up space but it helped me to my enemy's opportunity attacks. No enemy, you won't get an opportunity hehe.

Lastly, As usual, I used a 0 mana reward monster Furious Chicken to waste my enemy's sneak attacks. That was a good choice as usual.

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Did your strategy work?

Yes, it worked well and I won this battle. Armor Smith kept restoring my tank's armor which helped it to stay longer in the battle.

Do you use Armorsmith often?

Yes, I do. Mostly for some rulesets like Melee only and Weak Magic.

That's all for now. See you at Battle Field.

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