Cards From My Personal Collection: Jeff Bagwell 2005 Topps Hit Parade Baseball Card

I shared a very similar looking Jeff Bagwell card last year, way back last August LOL. This card is so cool. A great action shot of Jeff Bagwell as he makes his iconic swing. The reflective design with the swirly and star design is unique and really nice.

I love these little snapshots of time. Bonds passed 700 and was approaching Ruth. A-Rod finished with 696. Thome with 612. Here's the whole list. Bagwell would only hit three more home runs after this snapshot in time. 449 is still a very high number overall. Not many players in the long history of the MLB come close to that!

Jeff Bagwell was such a beast. On this day in 2003 Bagwell hit his 400th BOMB.


This summer of 2003 was so special to me personally! I may have been with my papou when this happened, and watched it on Sportscenter that very night. This clip does seem vaguely familiar, but then again I have seen Bagwell's iconic, powerful swing plenty of times!

What a legend. 21 years ago today!

According to the biggest movie is the US on this day was Bad Boys II!


Summer of 2003 was full of big movies though. Other big movies that day were Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, even Finding Nemo was still doing well at the time.

What a time, what a time.

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