Updated my "Procrastination Simulator" Game

Updated my old #gamedev project "Procrastination Simulator" with various small changes. Fixed some typos, and changed some sentences. I tried to make it funnier as well updating to the latest version of the engine.

Screenshot from 2022-03-02 13-51-36.png

[Play on Itch.io]

When I replayed it recently, I found some lines I needed to change or just disliked. So I decided to go back to my old files and change some stuff.

The IF is still the same, so there's no need to replay it if you already did before, but if there are routes you haven't explored yet. The experience is a bit better now:

  • Engine Changes: I updated my engine to Twine 2.3.X from 2.0.X. The result was smaller file size. (Higher performance, probably?) I couldn't change the format to Harlowe 3.0 as I'll need to hack my CSS from scratch if I did.

  • Script Changes: I ran the whole script through Grammarly to find typos. It found fewer errors than expected. 20% of the errors it caught were intentionally that way, which let me feel happier about my writing skills.

  • Aborted Changes: I spent some time trying to implement a Typewriter effect but the system I used broke the other systems I used on top of Twine. Decided to shelf that idea for now...

These might not be the final changes to version 2022 as I can still improve the script if I had time. Possible Changes include new routes and better backgrounds. If anyone wants to help you can check the Github repository.

(~ See you in the next post ~)

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