Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge - Little League


Image from @splinterlands

Hello everyone, this is my entry to the splinterlands battle mage challenge for this week. I will be describing one of my battles with the given ruleset. I used my account @yahuzah which is my spl account for all battles.


Battle Ruleset

Ruleset IconDescription
image.pngCounterspell : All monsters have the magic reflect ability
image.pngLittle league : Only monsters and summoners that cost 4 mana or less may be used in battle
image.pngMelee mayhem : Melee attack monsters can attack from any position

My enemy's Lineup



Summoner chosen


For this battle, I chose the Tarsa summoner to give my monsters +1 melee and +1 health.


Battle Tactics

In first position, I selected Antoid Platoon for its shield ability. The shield ability reduces melee and ranged attacks by 50%.


Antoid Platoon in first position


I selected Xenith Monk in second position. Xenith Monk has heal ability and thus is able to restore a third of max health in each round.


Xenith Monk in the second position


In the third position, I selected Kobold Bruiser for its health of 4 and melee of 2.


Kobold Bruiser in third position


In the fourth position I selected Gobalano Soldier for its sneak and ambush ability.


Gobalano Soldier in the fourth position

In the fifth position, I selected Uraeus for its sneak ability.


Uraeus in the fifth position


In the last position, I selected Spark Pixies for its flying ability.


Spark Pixies in last position


Battle Details

Summoner buffs took effect and even before the battle began,my Gobalano Soldier attacked my enemy's last monster reducing the health to 3. The battle officially began with my last monster attacking my enemy's first and my enemy's fifth attacking my first and causing a blast effect on my second monster. My second monster healed and killed my enemy's first which gave my enemy's second monster +1 stats.


My enemy's new second monster attacked my first and my third attacked my enemy's last. My enemy retaliated by attacking my first monster with his last monster and I responded my killing the last monster with my fifth monster. My first and third removed my enemy's first monster's shield and my first was killed by my enemy's first.


My enemy's new third monster restored some shield to my enemy's first monster and round 1 came to an end.

At the start of round two, my last monster attacked my enemy's first while my enemy retaliated by attacking my first with its last monster which caused my second monster to be blasted. My first monster healed, attacked my enemy's first and got attacked by my enemy's second. My third monster killed my enemy's first and my fourth monster followed the same and killed my enemy's third monster who was now last.


No more attacks occured to end the second round.

In round three, I attacked first and second with my last and first monsters. My enemy retaliated with an attack on my first from the last monster. Attacks continued and my second monster killed my enemy's first monster to end the third round.


My enemy was ended in the fourth round with just 1 attack from me.



Here is my battle link. Watch here how I took my enemy to battle and won.


Thank you.

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