Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge - Fab Four


Image from @splinterlands

Hello everyone, this is my entry to the splinterlands battle mage challenge for this week. I will be describing one of my battles with the given ruleset. I used my account @yahuzah which is my spl account for all battles.


Battle Ruleset

Ruleset IconDescription
image.pngUp to Eleven : All monsters have the amplify ability
image.pngFab Four : Up to four units can be used
image.pngHeavy Hitters : All monsters have the knock out ability

These three rulesets meant that I could use

My enemy's Lineup



Summoner chosen


For this battle, I chose the Lost Llama Mage summoner to allow me give my monsters an additional 2 health and last stand. This summoner also cleanses my first monsters of all negative effects.


Battle Tactics

In first position, I selected Hill Giant. It had a melee attack of 2 and a health of 7.


Hill Giant in first position


I selected Oaken Behamoth in second position. I chose this in second position for its double attack. It had an attack of 2 melee and 2 magic. It also had void armor and reach abilities.


Oaken Behamoth in the second position


In the third position, I selected Fungus Flinger. This had the martyr ability whose death gives the adjacent monsters +1 stats.



In the last position I selected Kron the Undying because I wanted it to be the monster remaining on my team so that the last stand is utilized well with the heal ability.


Kron the Undying in the last position


Battle Details

Summoner buffs and debuffs took effect and the battle began with my enemy's first monster attacking my first monster with 5 melee. The third monster of my enemy attacked my last monster twice reducing the health to 6. My second monster who should have attacked twice missed one and my last monster healed and attacked my enemies first monster. My third and first monster attacked my enemies first reducing the health to 2


My enemies first monster killed my first monster at the start of the second round while the third monster attacked my last monster twice reducing the health to 4. My new first monster, Oaken Behamoth attacked twice killing my enemies first monster and reducing the health of Thane Newsong to 6. My last monster healed and attacked my enemies Thane Newsong. My ranged attacked monster, Fungus Flinger attacked to end the second round.


At the start of round 3, my enemies new second monster, Katrelba Gobson attacked my last monster twice reducing my health to 2. Combined attacked from my first and last monster killed my enemies Thane Newsong and Katrela Gobson.


Attacks flew in from my team and my enemies only monster till I killed him in the fifth round.



Here is my battle link. Watch here how I took my enemy to battle and won.


All images used are from splinterlands.com and splintertools.

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