Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge - Equal Opportunity


Image from @splinterlands

Hello everyone, this is my entry to the splinterlands battle mage challenge for this week. I will be describing one of my battles with the given ruleset. I used my account @yahuzah which is my spl account for all battles.


Battle Ruleset

Ruleset IconDescription
image.pngOdd Ones out : Only monsters with odd mana costs may be used in battles
image.pngEqual opportunities : All monsters have the equal opportunity

These two rulesets meant that I could use only monsters who had an odd mana cost. It also implied that all of the melee monsters could attack in any of the positions but same could not be said for ranged in first positions. Monsters with lowest health were going to be the first to be attacked.

My enemy's Lineup



Summoner chosen


For this battle, I chose the Franz Ruffmane summoner to allow me use one additional gladiator monster in battle and to also grant all my monsters +1 shield.


Battle Tactics

In first position, I selected Imperial Knight. I chose this mainly because of its void armor ability meaning magic attacks will do damage to the shield before damage is done to my health. This had a health of 7 and a shield of 6.


Imperial Knight in first position


I selected Vernari Markstrat in second position. I chose this in second mainly for its martyr ability and its low health. The opportunity ruleset meant it would be killed early allowing my first and third monsters to gain +1 stats.


Vernari Markstrat in the second position

In third position I selected Captain Katie. Captain Katie was the primary reason I opted to use the Franz Ruffmane summoner. It would go for enemy monsters with the least health, kill them and activate the bloodlust.


Captain Katie in third position
@abenad come see Captain Katie. I think you'll like her 😂

In the fourth position, I selected Djinn Renova. I went with this because it has the strengthen ability meaning all my monsters would gain +1 health. It also has a magic attack of 2 which would be useful in this battle.


Djinn Renova in fourth position

In the fifth position, I selected Gargoya Scrapper. Since opportunity was applied, it meant it could attack in any position but its low health of 2 meant it would be among the first damage takers.


Gargoya Scrapper in the fifth position

In sixth position, I selected War Pergasus. This was chosen for its flying and shatter ability. I hoped that, melee and ranged attacks targeted at it would miss and also lose their shields.



Battle Details

Summoner and unit buffs and debuffs took effect and the battle began. In the first round, both teams attacked each others monsters and the first to fall was my enemy's fourth monster, Djinn Apprentice. Attacks from my first, second and my enemy's first monster ended the first round.


At the start of round 2, my enemy's second monster, Lava Launcher killed my second monster, ** Venari Makrstrat** giving my Imperial Knight and Captain Katie +1 stats.


Captain Katie killed my enemy's Lava Launcher, bloodlusting and now having a magic attack of 5, speed of 4 and health of 9. Further attacks from both teams killed no other monster in round 2 but did significant damages to the health of our monsters especially my enemy's first monster.


At the start round 3, my Captian Katie killed my enemy's first monster and again bloodlust. Its death also restored the 1 melee it took from my Imperial Knight. An attack from my first monster killed my enemy's first monster that was Tenyii Striker.


At the start of round 4, my enemy had only monster left who could not attack in the first position. It meant, I had basically won the battle since all my monsters could still attack.


Captain Katie had the pleasure of killing my enemy's remaining monster with its magic attack of 6. At the end of the battle, Captain Katie had an attack of 7 magic, health of 11, shield of 5 and a speed of 6.



Here is my battle link. Watch here how I took my enemy to battle and won.


All images used are from splinterlands.com and splintertools.

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