It’s always you against you.

Screenshot from YouTube

Greetings, lovely people of Hiveghana. Welcome to my blog once again. I believe we are doing just fine as usual. Let me first of all use this opportunity to appreciate the leaders of this community for always bringing out something exciting, interesting, and fun to write about. This week's engagement contest doesn't look bad at all; in fact, that's the main reason why I am taking part in it.

I had to perform some research, so I decided to visit YouTube. I made a search, and while scrolling through, I badged into this content creators called “The Beast Motivation”.Its for body builders. But what captured my attention was the caption on the content. I took a screen shot of it, and since then it has been stored on my Medulla Oblongata.

I really loved what I saw; it was like a word that was meant for me in particular. It is exactly what you are seeing in the above image. "IT’S ALWAYS YOU AGAINST YOU"; this message means a lot. It's a whole story summarized in a single phrase or sentence. What I loved most about this quote was the image used—the fact that he was looking into a mirror. This means a part of him was looking at him, and that made it more loving and charming to watch.

The truth is that most of us think we are in competition with others. That we can only succeed when we are better than others. Always aiming for higher positions just to keep others behind and stay on top to make us attain what we want. But that's not the case. Trust me, one does not need to be better than another to be successful. You do not even need to sabotage, betray, condemn, or destroy others.

It will not bring you any good results. Being successful in destroying others won't bring you anything good. It will not help improve your standard or status in life. You still remain where you are because you have not worked on yourself; instead, you were busy working on others, not even for good but for bad.

What matters most is the effort you put in to make yourself a better person each and every day.
Every competition or battle should always be between you and yourself. Upgrade yourself, improve upon your skills, improve your health, improve your level of wisdom, acquire skills that are in high demand, etc. These are some of the things that really matter in attaining the height we have always desired and dreamt of. To be a better version of every individual that exists, you have to always make sure to upgrade, just as we always update our mobile apps and software.

From here, I asked myself several questions and got some answers. The greatest obstacle in our lives is ourselves—self-doubt, fears, low self-esteem, etc. All these are internal factors, not external ones. The very moment we start working on this, we are aiming for the betterment of ourselves, and that's when success follows.

All the great guys out there put in so much effort and hard work. They will tell you how they kept focused and consistent in working on themselves. On this note, “IT’S ALWAYS YOU AGAINST YOU.”

Thank You.

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