Respect Is A Two Sided Thing

Respect is something that really does go hand in hand. It’s about doing unto others in the way you wish to be done unto. For me what I understand about respect is speaking kindly, taking turns to listen and openly accepting one another ideas, not ignoring the option of others because you feel they are small or less in terms in position. It also means not overstepping on someone because of a big position you occupied and being fully mindful of how they feel.


Definitely I am big fan of the word respect. Because It is an important aspect that needs to be practiced in the development of relationships and the establishment of proper report in that particular place of work, at home or in the general society. In where I come from respect is one of the important values, a moral that is expected from everyone both big and small. As long as your a human being you have to grow and live with each other with respect. Respect is something that is thought in homes and that how it extends to the society.

I know the world is full of young people and we now feel like we know better than our parents just because we have been exposed to technology and science. Seeing this generation growing up without respect is something that bleeds my heart so bad, sometimes I do ask myself how did we get here? If this generation is like this how about the one yet to come that will have a more advanced knowledge of technology. When I see a child disrespecting their parents I feel so bad because it shouldn't be so.

There are several times in my life I have also been on the receiving end and was surrounded by disrespect either through intent or anger from my younger ones. But it is also necessary to think about that and try to know why such moments occur. Because it may be our fault sometimes, but it's so sad that it is hard for a senior colleague or parents to admit they are wrong, most people can't bring down their ego and apologize Only when we recognize ourselves as individuals who made a mistake, we can try correcting ourselves and acting more respectably.

All in all, both in every day and work settings respect should be reciprocated and followed as a rule. They can cause improved relationships, fuller, effective and healthy interaction and coexistence with other people in society.

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