Homemade meal in a flash


I want nothing more than complex cooking after a long day at work. So because of this I just go for fried Indomie noodles and fried egg for dinner. Simple but so fulfilling😌.

Using my creative abilities and allowing my cooking skills to come through. The secret stars in this recipe are simple ingredients:

📍Indomie noodles with it’s seasoning packets.
📍Vegetables: onions, white pepper & carrot.
📍Seasonings: Soy sauce
📍Egg for frying.
📍Vegetable oil.

For the fried egg:
📍Vegetable oil for frying
📍Salt, Maggi and chili pepper for seasoning.

I start by boiling the water and cooking the Indomie noodles for like five minutes, until they are firm but yet soft. I drain the noodles and set aside. So, next I crack the egg into a small bowl, I sprinkle a pinch of salt, Maggi and chili pepper into the egg in the bowl and stir the yolk and white with the seasoning together. Then I put a dried pan over medium high heat and pour in some vegetable oil. I pour the mixed egg into the pan and cook until the mixture is done. After cooking, I transfer the egg onto a dish.

I add a little vegetable oil to the same pan to heat, then I pour into the pan my drained Indomie noodles. I spread them out in the pan with a metal spoon. I next add the seasoning powder from the Indomie packet. The flavor is enhanced by a small amount of soy sauce and white pepper. I also chop vegetables like onions and carrots. I stir the noodles frequently to ensure proper browning as they sizzle and crisp up. Finally, I serve the fried egg and the seasoned fried noodles with vegetables on any available clean plate.

Honestly, the strong taste that pops from the simple ingredients I used to prepare the meal is extremely tasty. For me this combination of fried noodles and fried egg provides a rich delicious sauce that nourish my soul and body😋. It takes just around ten minutes to prepare and serve a meal that costs just one thousand, five hundred naira only (#1500). Quick and filling food without any delivery costs or waiting. It is easy to miss the satisfaction that comes from making simple meals using basic household ingredients. My cooking abilities stay interesting too, because I become creative with low cost supplies. Well, homemade tastes just as nice, so why will I order expensive takeaway?

My homemade dinner gets transformed into cooking sweetness with just a dash of soy sauce and an additional pinch of spices and vegetables. I give up on delivery apps and enjoy the fulfillment of creating a masterpiece at home. I will also feel successful in addition to having saved money. I can be the head chef, so I do not need costly eateries.

In my own opinion, the simple ingredients and minimum cooking time make this the ideal quick dinner for those of us who are exhausted after work. Refusing takeaway results as well in cost savings.

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