Hive Has Indefinite Advantages Over The Traditional Web, What Is Stopping People From Tapping Into These Pool Of Advantages?

Web 3 has been around for quite some time now, and whilst the opportunities that come with complete decentralization keep soaring, it is no doubt that many users of the web are not yet ready to embrace and tap into these infinite advantages. Whilst others are still completely unaware of these Web 3 platforms and services.

Several factors may explain why Web 3 is yet to reach and be accepted by these masses. Using Hive as a yardstick, here are a few reasons why many people are yet to adopt and thrive on the indefinite advantages of Web 3.


Complete Unawares: The basic reason why many people are not yet adopting and tapping into the vast advantages of Web 3 platforms such as Hive is due to a lack of awareness of Web 3 and the opportunities that come with it. Web 3 technologies might have been around for a while, but it is still comparatively new and not as popular compared to the traditional web. Intensive and inclusive education and sensitization can be applied to help people understand the importance of the revolutionary technologies of Web 3.


Availability and Familiarity with Web 2 Technologies: The traditional web has been around for a long time and has been integrated into the daily lives and activities of the masses. Even to some extent, traditional web services have been established and integrated with our existing infrastructure and systems such as education, entertainment, commence, and communications. Whilst Web 3 technologies on the other hand are still developing and gradually expanding into these already established infrastructure and systems. This is also a major reason why the transition to Web 3 is taking a longer period and harder to adopt.


Trust and Scam Issues: Trust is significant in embracing new technologies. Over the years, scam scandals with cryptocurrencies have become so prevalent everywhere in the world. This in turn raises questions about the legitimacy and credibility of any technology that is operating on cryptocurrencies. In transitioning to new blockchain technologies, many people fear the risk of security, scalability, and other scams. Whilst this may not necessarily apply to all cryptocurrencies, there is still a cloud of doubt and uncertainty surrounding Web 3 technologies.


While the majority of people are still confined and content with the services of the traditional web, it is important to note that Web 3 technologies such as Hive present new opportunities for innovation, ownership, and actual decentralization.

Even though the transition from traditional Web to Web 3 may be gradual, I confidently believe that very soon the advantages of Web 3 will become more evident and the revolution will begin.

However, this transformation may require more collective effort than ever. This will involve a much larger community of developers, entrepreneurs, and creators whose combined expertise will create a more diverse user interface and experience, and policies that can cause this great shift.


Big thanks to @Hive.Ghana for this interesting topic. I had fun writing this and I’m looking forward to reading comments from all of you. Thank you for passing by.

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