"...too numerous to mention."
Reading this topic, those were the words that jumped on my lips. My issues as regards the Hive chain are unknown to me. Never have I been as lazy about anything as I am with this space.


I wake up one day, reflect upon it, beat myself for letting it be that way, then resolve to get better. Lol. That only lasts a few days before I go back to being a lazy-ass.

But once more, again, i want to do better(for real). For someone who barely goes through with making two posts weekly, it's ridiculous how I put myself under so much pressure bothering on this space. I think too much about it, that maybe that is my undoing.

I seek quality, easy to read and understand, attractive and well outlined articles, always. I bother so much about getting everything perfect that the words I pen down as drafts always never satisfy me and just like that, it never makes it here.

Hive made it to my yearly goal. My everyday goal. Unfortunately it's probably the only one that's been relegated to be background. Time factor and a couple things keep me off but it isn't even excuse enough.

For sometime now, I've been thinking of how far up the ladder I'd have been if only I put in just a little effort. You know, regrets and stuff!
Holding strongly to that feeling, trying to milk out all the positives, I've resolved to effect change. And so, starting now, I hope that I smash a good percent of these goals just as I had made them out in the beginning, and that the little progress(es) give some soothing feeling for the times past.

Often times, when I go on to engage on the post of other Hivers, I find in the comment section, comments of others, and in their words, i find some level of cordiality, even playfulness. More like friendship. Their words, very warming. I want that too. This space of cause is not limiting and leaves all of that power to me, so i plan to spread my tentacles, engage better while building beautiful, lasting relationships.

Put out more posts.
People have to read me too. I want to no longer wait until everything about my article is perfect. With every post comes growth. One step, right? Henceforth, for a start, I will make at least four posts weekly. And this is just me taking out the anxiety that comes with wanting to put out something all-day every week.

Build my HP
Been educating myself a lot about some of the features here. The HP is something I want to grow. I want to get to 300.

Right now, these are what i wish to focus on. As I plunge ahead, my goals might take different forms. The is just okay for now. Grateful for this opportunity to review my September/Ember expectations and map out achievable goals.

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