Our Public Transport Can Be Improved

Hello, Hive Ghana, I'm here again. I hope you are doing very well today and that your night went well too.



Public transport services are random transport that is owned by the government or anyone in the state.
There are those services that can be seen anywhere at anytime.
If you don't own a vehicle and decide to join one to get somewhere, and at the end you pay, then that is public transport.

Sometimes I feel so bad whenever I want to travel, especially on a long journey.
The experience I have in a public bus is something I would not wish anyone.
The delay, the heat, etc. are things that are unbearable.
Every morning, I need to sit on the bus for a very long time. Before a bus moves, it takes a long time, and it is always annoying to sit in a bus for a long time to arrive at wherever you want to go, and at the end, you may not arrive there early.
The delay is always something else; you can stay in the bus, and the driver may argue with his colleagues.

Heat is another thing I hate, as you would stay in the bus for a long time sweating like you were doing a hard job, and before you reach your destination, your clothes might become dirty.
I remember one of the days I wanted to go to school. I stayed on the bus and was sweating. I was wearing a white shirt, and before I could reach my school, my shirt was dirty because I was sweating.
This caused me a lot of pain, as I was looking like someone who could not take care of herself.
I was not myself. I would not stay for a minute without looking at the place; I had the dirt.

Another thing I don't like about our public transport is that, amidst the delay and heat, the amount you pay to and from your destination is high.
The annoying part is that the amount of money you pay to get to your destination is so costly and cannot be compared to how you are being treated.

Public transport can be improved in her state if certain considerations are taken.

The government should make sure that they provide buses with AC and maintain these buses too.
The AC buses would make the passengers feel okay and also ease their stress.
It will also give them fresh breath.

Public transport should also be affordable; people should be able to afford it so that they will be productive in whatever they are doing.

The government should reduce the price of fuel so that transporters can make their prices affordable for the public.
Public transport was supposed to be easy for the citizens.

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