That one life Hack

That One Life Hack
Good evening family of hiveghana,i am super excited to be here looking forward to delebrate on how i deal with that one life hack in those days. My name is Agbata Christopher i was born in the family of nine (9) and i am forth child of parents,my father was an ordinary Farmer and my mom has no work doing then, things are tough that they can't send me to school not only me even my younger siblings, getting to a while my mother called me one day and said to me, you boy have to go out there and find for yourself, looking at myself very young and tender with very small stature,so one setting morning i made up my mind that i will go out and see what I can do to survive, mean while seen other children going to school every blessed morning has been my worries, sometimes I beginning to ask myself do i commit a crime to my creator for allowing me to be passing what seems to be bigger than me, my story continue here,so that fateful morning as I stepped out i jam one weathy woman, how it happened i was crossing road to other side without minding any car coming,unknownly to me according to the people around there comfimed that there have been alot of vichle horning while I was crossing,i was told in hospital when i opened my eyes while asking doctor what brought here, how come am feeling pains all over my body and for how long I been here,all these questions was answered by one woman sitting at edge of the bed that I was laying, while she was answering me narrating how God saved her from killing someone's child, she told me God saved me from killing you today , what a very big tragic and excited day ,i became confused for her using to strong opposite words at the time, she said my child it is tragic to you laying on this bed but it is a miracle for seeing you breathing, is then I understand her, there are many questions she asked me, some of them are, what were you thinking at this your tender age ,that early morning that warranty you crossing with out minding how busy the roads are? Where is your parents? Why are you not going to school? These are the three major questions she asked me,i jump to the last question which am very happy to hear,i asked her please ma'am can you take me as your child because my parents are not ready to do anything concerning my education,that day she took me back to my parents and narrated how God saved her from killing me and begged them to allow me to go with her , that's how my story changed from uneducated to educated person today,she is not just only concentrated on me but she carrterd for all of our family well being.this my story shows that the one life hack can still turn around to that one life fixed.

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