Shine is finally on Hive.

Greetings, fellow Hivers.

I am truly honored to join this esteemed community of technological enthusiasts known as Hive. Before I delve into introducing myself, I must extend a heartfelt thank you to the moderators and organizers of the recent Hive Blockchain and Web3 conference held at KNUST - Kumasi campus (Great Hall) on 9th March 2024. This event was not only enlightening for me but also for all members of our institution who had the privilege of attending. It significantly broadened our understanding of various online platforms, with Hive standing out as a remarkable example.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Agbo Emilia Shine, a 21-year-old entrepreneur and the proud CEO of SHINE'S CLOSET, specializing in clothing and accessories. Currently pursuing a degree in Industrial Sociology as a Level 300 student at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, I also serve as the Deputy Women Commissioner of the Faculty of Social Sciences for the academic year 2023/2024.

While my given name is Agbo Emilia Shine, I prefer to go by Shine and @shineemil as my username on hive. This choice stems from my belief in the power of positive manifestation. I aspire to bring joy to the sorrowful, and serve as a beacon of inspiration for others. Embracing the biblical quote from Numbers 14:28 – "As I have spoken, so shall it be done unto me" – I stand firm in my commitment to shine brightly in all my endeavours.



Aside from my entrepreneurial pursuits and academic responsibilities, I have a deep passion for music. Whether in moments of sadness or joy, I find solace and inspiration in the melodies that surround me. This love for music led me to join the School Of Christ Music Ministry (SOC), where I continue to explore the transformative power of song.

As a member of the Hive community, with the username @shineemil, I am immensely grateful to individuals like @mcsamm and the entire hiveghana community for their invaluable support in introducing us to the wonders of web3 technology. I am eager to embrace new ideas, contribute meaningfully, and empower both myself and those around me.


Thank you for welcoming me into this vibrant community. Together, let us continue to shine and make a positive impact in the world.

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