The Importance of Art to our Society

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Art is Life and add value to our existence. It is common and found around us. Nature is the finest artist ever. Look at the design, contour pattern and colors of birds, flowers, and other creatures. But the might and intricately smaller form of life. It's value can't be underestimate as it shows our real beginning.

Art is a powerful tool for expression. It conveys deep meaning and show how the artist feel and thinks about matter. With several artistic skills and materials of choice. It has great therapeutic effects and highly recommended for mental health management. Emotional and feelings are expressed meaningfully. It can represent several figures in existence or abstract and show its significance.

Art plays important in the cultural and historical aspects of humanity. Humans uses various forms to talk about their existence. Many prized sculptural artifacts and pieces from the Nok, Benin and Ife kingdoms of Nigeria still convey their very beginning and how they view life. Art show how one really be, the cultural values and identities. It hold a significant role in the way of life and their religious beliefs as some of those pieces are revered and fear which contribute to high moral standards experienced there.

Many religious figures are believed beyond doubt as they are represented by artifacts. Even Bible and other scriptural ancient books hold the meaning and beliefs because many art supports them. Art integrates the humans with past and supernatural beings and promote the peaceful coexistence for prosperity.

Visual arts can be employed as an educational tools for enlightenment and teaching aids. It's usually hard to be forgotten what we see or watch as it have lasting impact on us subconsciously. It plays great role on entertainment sectors as many movies and videos are accompanied with many types to thrill and educate the people about their ideas. Most of their ideas and opinions become real to many people because of the strong influence.

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