Base Guitar or Mouth Organ


"Tubudu, tabadira, hmm, tubudu", this is me trying to play some chords from a bass guitar with my mouth and every time I do this around anyone, they either ask, “what instrument do you play?” or “do you play bass guitar?” I have tried playing drums in some churches and other secular gatherings, and I equally have some good records in striking a chord or two on pianos, but for guitar, I mean guitars generally, I have not been able to decipher the trick behind playing it. When I try to console myself with the mouth-playing alternative (smiles, at least I can play guitar with my mouth), someone always come along to ask either of the earlier stated questions, my silent prayer is that they won’t ask if I play guitar, it’s always funny to tell them I only play with my mouth! I call it the mouth organ!

Aside from the funny fact stated above, I’d love to play guitar because I have noticed (although I don’t know all about music) that there is this superiority assumed by “the piano,", not the Pianist! Most concerts and events, even as simple as worship sessions, always have the piano present, even if the guitar is absent, and the whole programme works fine. I’ve only seen the true wonders of the guitar in the absence of pianos at an event strictly organized for guitarists. There was this very talented guy who was slapping the strings so well, he didn’t need the drums to make a consistent rhythm, and everyone was vibing to the song so well! I couldn’t forget how much I wish to be that good! I realized that all the while, the piano had been covering the guitar’s glory!


I would love to uncover more of the guitar’s glory, but aside from this craving, I would love to play with my hands rather than with my mouth and escape the struggle to answer questions without the expression of the common talent! It’s actually rare to see someone who can play guitar with their mouth, innit? Which would you prefer, me playing guitar or me maintaining my mouth organ?

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