Procrastination - What It Did To Me



There is a saying that "Putting things off just one day at a time soon adds up!" . I believe that we should always rest and take breaks when we want to but I think it should be applicable when we have put in the work.

This excuse of "I can't kill myself" is what most of us say when we want to procrastinate things. I am also very guilty of this and It had it's effect on me as I could remember a time when procrastination led to more workload for me.

One thing I have noticed about myself is that whenever I know that I won't be going out on a particular day, my brain will reset to laziness and I might end up not doing anything tangible that day all in the guise of "I am taking a rest".

But the funny thing is when I am going out either to work or I have other appointments, I will wake up early in fact at times, too early to ensure I get everything done so that I can get to where I need to be. The problem is always when I am at home and I know that I won't be going out.

This is one of the reasons why I noticed that I am always lazy during the weekends as I can just end up watching movies all day or lying down and playing games on my phone from morning till night. I know this might be a bit understandable as I will have done most of my chores during the weekdays when I know that I would be going out.

Where I knew that I had a problem with procrastinating things was a time, when I was on holiday from work(It's about a three-week break). I have some clothes that I want to wash but I kept postponing assuring myself that I would do it during the break. Instead, every day when I wake up, I will cook, watch movies, surf the internet, play games, and sleep. The only time I go out is when I need to get foodstuffs around as I wasn't buoyant enough to buy in bulk like I used to which made me buy in bits that time and of course, I have to be dress up to go get what I need so I kept piling the clothes I wear everyday plus the one I wore a few days before the break.

It was after I ran out of pant trousers that I knew I had to do some washing but by then the heap of clothes was almost equivalent to the height of the Great Pyramid. I became frustrated as I didn't even know how to begin. I wondered how the clothes became that much and I realized that I don't like repeating the clothes I have worn the previous day, so I wear different clothes every day when going to get the foodstuffs around.



I had just two days left before resuming back to work so I started my marathon washing. Since that day I vowed never to allow procrastination to get the better of me because I resumed back to work tired instead of looking refreshed.I was not told before I went back to my default setting of washing clothes (which is every two days).

I do get the rest I need as at when due but I also do what needs to be done on time. So to avoid being a procrastinator, I always try to simplify my tasks and it has been working for me ever since.

Thank you all for coming around.

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