Be reserved to avoid stab at the back

Stabs are gotten through close people, there are never a time you will hear something like that occur with someone who is in a far place from us.

lt ls mostly gotten to us when we feel okay to confide in that person and believed they can never betrayed us, but asked yourself, "what lf you both had a disagreement, ls he/she a type that will not stab you at the back?

Most of the betrayed people found themselves in are from things they did not have a hand in, but because the other person was secretly hating on him, therefore, they dive into a way of making him pay for what he/she didn't commit.

Although situations like this will still exposed the truth at the end, but the person that was frame might go through difficulties ln the dilemma which nothing concerned him/her until the event get settled.

ln life, there are things we wouldn't want to share to the public, maybe lt might sound so embarrassing to us, lf we let a lot of people know about it, but they are moments we will share this things with people close to us, either our friends or someone around who likes keeping us company.

Speaking of myself, i have had that experience as well. lt goes on that we were vibing and l told this guy how l do not like spending much on all this electronics that people used today, reason was because ln few years to come, those electronics that people clap hands for are going to be out of date.

So, we should be thinking of what might stay as times goes on and not like the electronics that might ln a bit go out of date.

l remember he didn't see it as a good vibes, but l as well let him know reasons why l said those things, and at the end he told me lt was a good idea, then what marvels me was when l heard lt from someone else that l am having a kind of belief people keep in those days and do not reason like youth of today's world.

when l reminisce on that statement l find out that lt has been one person that we talked of something of that nature, and that ls to say, he has been stabbing me at the back for quite long.

Yet, l understand people do not reason the same, but we all have our life to live in good ways that we thoughts ls going to be good for us.

Our life ideas are what we believed in and lt will work out for us as far as we do not let go, therefore, lt doesn't create room for mockery.

l didn't confront him about it because it's of no used, we are still friends, but l have limits some of the things l shared with him, since we are not in the same boat.

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