One Habit That Changed My Life.

I’m sure there’s a time when we get to a point in our lives when we make some certain decisions. It may be towards our career, family, friends and so much more. Sometime ago, I made some decisions and one of those decisions or the one that changed my life most was the fact that I don’t ever want to deceive people. Well, it’s not like I’ve always lived my life to deceive people but you know something like that happens at times maybe when I’m in a tight corner and I have to choose between this or that.


I’m a very spiritual person and I realized that whenever I deceive peope, things don’t go well for me. Or when I stylishly trick someone, it usually fall back at me and things are even going to be worse. As a prayerful and observant person, I noticed the things around me and what I used to do. I realized deceiving people doesn’t go well for me and ever since then, I’ve always made sure that I’m straightforward to people around me.

This has helped me a lot and also saved me from so much mess. If I don’t want something, I found it easy to tell people no instead of trying to be tricky about it. It even reduced the burden I have always carried on mh mind because I’m straightforward and I don’t have to start thinking of the lies I’d tell some particular people. Well, some people may not like me because I’m being straightforward but it is better to be precised thanbto be embarrased and sorry. There are a few times when I may think of being tricky or trying to play with people’s heart but there’s actually nothing good that can come out of it. It is of no use or benefit so it is better to be straightforward.


This has changed my life in the sense that it has earned me some respect from my friends and also people around me. I don’t know if you know that being straightforward helps people to know the exact person you are. There is no need for pretense and you’d be highly respected anywhere you go.
This is what I’m earning right now and I bless the day I made that decision. It has even helped me to get jobs because my clients know I’m straightforward so they believe me anytime I tell them something and even tryst my works. That’s why I’m being able to earn more and more money.


Being straightforward is that decision that changed my life and I’d continue to be straightforward to everyone around me.

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