
Education, they say, is the key to success. But I really believe education is the pathway to achieving great things because one can still be successful without education.

But you can't reach greater heights without walking through the pathway of education. My mom always says don't just go to school but also let the school go through you. There's no magic in excelling except putting in a lot of effort, hard work, and commitment.

For a student to get straight A's, then first of all, you have to make room for determination because determination can open sealed doors. Maintaining a good company of intellectual friends is very important. Sometimes it's ok to study on your own; at least they're people that are more comfortable that way, but in order to gain more knowledge, it's best to share ideas. By doing so, you can get organized in school. You get to gather information from lessons that you missed at some point through the company of friends you keep.

Another important study tip is missing classes. It's not proper to miss classes, especially if you're better off listening and understanding than reading and understanding. Any of the categories shouldn't miss class because vital information is given in class. You can miss a whole lot of lessons by missing a class or not paying attention during the lesson. If you ensure that you won't miss classes, then you have to take note of every lesson that is given.

Taking notes during the lesson helps you recall the whole scenario of the lesson. You can gather more inquisitive ideas from that one point you had taken note of, and this really helps a lot. It's not ok to shy away from asking questions in class. In fact, this will make you the smartest student in class. Always be bold to ask questions where you have failed to understand, and if your teacher explains it numerous times, always be ready to pay attention, and if you don't still get it, then meet your friend who had understood the whole topic for further explanation.

Do not relent on learning further. Going forward, you should be able to give time for your study, like creating a study plan and making sure you stick to it. It's one thing to make a study plan, and it's another to stick to it.

How do you stick to your study plan? Once you place your priorities and set a goal, then stay focused; there's no way you can divert from your study plan. It's important to stick to time and be time-conscious. Know that there's time for everything; don't go eating when it's time to read, nor go rest when it's time to read. Set your time and stick to it.

Another important study tip is not just reading your notes; always study outside your notes, read textbooks, research further topics, be a goal-setter and a goal-getter, but most importantly, pray before and after reading. Then believe in yourself. Just as it's impossible to harvest a seed that was thrown on a rocky part, it's also impossible to attain success without hard work. In whatever you do, always remember that there's no success without commitment and determination.


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