Public Transport: An Undesirable Alternative

There are certain things we cannot avoid, we just need to endure with it because we do not have any option but to accept it at the moment, until when we get to a point where we can migrate from that stage to another stage of our comfort.


The experiences in using public transport is not always funny, it's so stressful, we get to arrive at our work place stressed, and after work we get to add another stress, which is always stress x2, getting home so exhausted and drain out. These unpleasant experiences cannot be avoided as far as we are making use of public transport, due to some of these unpleasant experiences, i get to pray another serious prayer that God should deliver me from trouble because most of the drivers will deliberately do something to upset you, some of the unpleasant experiences are: careless driving by some drivers, overcrowding, rudeness of some drivers, over speeding just to mention but a few. But in all i have to endure it because I don't have an option. If I had I wouldn't be there.

In my country, there are so many factors that contribute to these, making the use of public transport so exhausting and annoying, one of which is the high cost of transportation, and if it's only the high cost of it alone it would have been manageable, but the stress attached with the rudeness of some drivers....hmmmmm, it's well. Looking at some of these factors, it makes it unpleasant, but what would I do at that moment, absolutely nothing. One day after looking at the stress and the high cost of transportation, I would maybe seek for another alternative, maybe get a bicycle that would convey me to where I'm going,😂 and bring me back, one might think that it would be stressful also, yes, absolutely but at least some things will be avoided, because using public transport is stressful already, so its better i use my bike relieve some stress of overcrowding, and other factors, but that is being selfish, no I am not.... I'm only being realistic, I can only get to use it when i'm travelling to a far distance. Riding a bicycle is not too bad, it's an exercise I get to do every morning 😂.


Apart from that, I get to leave myself and think of people that have a lot of responsibilities, yet their monthly allowance is low, even with that they are paying their way to work daily, and with the inconvenience and stress, With this they might return home at the end of the month with less or nothing, simply because of high cost of transportation. And with this, it negatively affects our everyday life with additional stress and tiredness at work, impacting productivity.

Another thing is some drivers do not obey the road signals anymore, and if we try to caution them they would claim to be in a hurry, i could recall some scenario where I told the driver my bus stop, he accepted it, getting to the road he told me another story, and I was late to work already. And it was so annoying, and That has happened countless times to me and it's always so frustrating and annoying, so what I do now i would tell them please if you are not going to take me to my bus stop please just go.
These are some of the annoying experiences, though still have others

I believe that some of these things can be managed properly, if we could be fair to ourselves, and others. Although the development, management, and sustainability of transportation systems should not only respond to economic targets or interests, it should also reflect our core key, and having an understanding of the health implications these systems carry for us that uses it daily.

Public transportation is the only economically and desirable alternatives which should be integrated appropriately within the overall community, and other transportation structure, with this it has the potential to decrease social inequalities, improve the efficiency and reliability of human mobility, protect and even improve the physical environment, accommodate and compensate our vulnerabilities and fallibility, providing safety to us the users. And also I believe adequate training of the drivers would also help, not only training on how to drive, but also how to communicate effectively with their passengers that would also go a long way. Another the high cost of transportation should be looked into as well, I know it's as the result of high cost of petrol, but please the government should also consider the users as well.

Thank you for stopping by.
I am @pricelessudy

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