Social Media — A Place For Virtual Interactions and Fun


Hello, wonderful people of hive! Happy Thursday to you all.

Today, I want to share with you my opinion on whether people should be judged by their social media profiles or not.

Firstly, we all know what social media is: it's that platform where we log in and end up spending more time than we intended because we're entertained by what we see. It's a place where we go virtual to interact, make friends, get the latest news, and maybe even learn and unlearn.

On social media, people often portray a lifestyle that's different from who they really are, because they want to be interesting and appealing. And let's be honest, we all want that. We want to be seen as someone who has a lot to offer, whether it's fun or educational. But some people naturally don't fit into this mold, so they fake it in pursuit of attention and a sense of belonging.

Some people don't care about who they truly are but rather focus on who they want others to see them as. From my perspective, this shows a lack of self-appreciation, connection, and positive self-regard, which is not a good thing. To live a better life, we need to start by accepting ourselves, including our flaws, and discovering our strengths. That's when self-improvement can truly begin.

Social media and its influence.

Learning from social media can have both advantages and disadvantages. It all depends on your mindset. Are you being motivated to work harder and reach your goals? Or are you constantly comparing yourself and feeling inferior based on your background, physique, strengths, and abilities?

You see, some motivational speakers may not have perfect lives themselves, but they are wise with words. It's up to us to take those words to heart and grow, or focus on the speaker's personal life and remain dormant.


Social media profiles only showcase the best version of ourselves, leaving out the struggles, insecurities, and everyday challenges we all face.
We all have dreams, fears, passions, and stories that can't be incorporated into a simple write-up or caption.

While few people are genuine on social media, majority are not. They create a persona that mimics someone else's name, age, personality, and lifestyle, and they don't expect others to see beyond that facade.
I've heard several stories of our young men falling in love and dating someone on social media, and in the end, can't stand the girl physically. It does surprise me honestly and I'm not a fan of that and I'm not against it as well. I only believe that before you like someone to that extent , it's best to first engage in genuine conversations, spend time together, and get to know him/her beyond social media where you can see the unedited version of his/her life.

However, it's best to note that some people use social media just for fun, while others use it to gain fame and wealth. So in my opinion, we shouldn't judge people solely based on their social media profiles. It is like judging a book by its cover.

That'll be all for today. Thanks so much for your time🤗

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