Getting gifts from people and loved ones it's one of the best thing that I can ever happen to us, this makes us feel so special whenever we receive gifts from people.

Gifts can come in words, how we are treated, and a present.
Growing up as a child, I've gotten several gifts from friends family members and teachers.

While I was growing up, I realized giving gifts people, show's we love and appreciate them.

I remember growing up, I wanted this aeroplane game so bad, I didn't even have the money to buy it because I was very much young, I wasn't working and I didn't have enough savings to purchase the game 🎮.

At the point I started losing hope of ever buying the game. One cool evening, my dad got back from work and handed the aeroplane game over to me, I was super excited because I had no idea my dad knew I wanted to get the game.

I was so happy to receive that present 🎁, I felt so special, and so important, I was feeling this way because my dad actually bought this game for me, and he was a least person I was expecting to get this game from me, as a matter of fact, I didn't even tell him I wanted the game, I only told our house help (maybe she was the one that told him I wanted the game).

I was very young when I received this present, it's been more than 15 years and I can still remember it clearly in my head, this is how special I felt when I was gifted.

Growing up, I felt gifts are meant to be present alone, but I've come to realize, giving gifts to People doesn't have to be something big, giving them a present or saying nice words to them.


Last month I was so sick to the extent I was hospitalized, I was so downhearted and I also was fighting anxieties, it was just too much for me to bear alone.

When I was discharged from the hospital, I came back from the hospital on a Saturday, next day which was Sunday, I couldn't go to service because I wasn't feeling okay yet.
That same Sunday I wasn't expecting any guests, I only told
a few family members that I was back from the hospital.

I got the shock of my life, when I saw almost the whole family came to my house to check on me, some came with food items, some brought cooked food for me.

Honestly I was super surprised, I didn't expect the crowd, my sitting room was filled up with guests, to the extent that my sitting room could no longer contain more people, some had to stay outside and wait for those who are inside to check on me and take turns when they're done.

I never knew they planned to come and see me, this is the best gift ever, the turn up was massive. This made me to realize that gifts doesn't have to come as he present, gifts can come as an emotional support, honestly I needed that gift at the moment, I was so happy.

This gift made me realize how I am loved and valued by my family members, like I mentioned earlier I was fighting anxieties in my head, I needed to clear it, and this gift just came at the right time.

Although, I didn't receive any kind of present from them or a monetized gift, but for all of them to show up to check up on me, was the best gift they could ever give to me, I felt so special. Whenever I'm down, I always remember that I'm loved and valued by some special People ( my family members)

One thing is these people I call my family members and not actually my blood related family members, they are my Christian brothers and sisters, we attend the same service and worship in the same place.

I call them my family members because I see them as my family members, they also act like my family members, they love me and I love them too 💗.

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