This article talks more on the values of human life, we'd be discussing how important life is, Abortion, the sancity of human life, complications of abortion, Alternatives to Abortion, the importance of assisting mothers with unplanned pregnancy, the side effects of abortion.


Abortion is a conscious action, taken by a female gender to get rid of an unborn baby (babies) from her womb. Most times abortion is done before the fetus in the womb can survive outside the womb and this is usually within the first few weeks of the pregnancy .
Today alot of young ladies and some women or people in the world today, has seen abortion as a normal routine or something regular for unwanted pregnancies.

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The life we live is a precious gift from God, it should be handled with care and respect, life should be cherished and valued, every human being has a right to life and also deserves a chance to experience the wonders of the earth to also enjoy it and contribute their unique perspective and making the world a better place for everyone. The decision to terminate life regardless of how challenging the circumstances may seem confusing, this point out the importance of checking other alternatives instead of doing abortions.


PARENTING : Accepting parental hood, can be really challenging sometimes, but the help and support from extended relatives, friends, charity organizations, family members and government, this would lessen the burden of parent hood.

The advantage of accepting parental hood

It makes it possible to create a special bond with the child, it's also allows the mother to train or bring up that child in a good way, and this allows the parents of the child to witness the child growth.

ASSIMILATION (Adoption ) : assimilation is a process of taking a child into a new home legally, inside home and a very good parental care. Assimilation includes dissolving the biological parents the rights and the responsibilities to the child, and also shifting the responsibilities and right sitting new parent or adoptive parents. There are different type of assimilation, I'd be listing the ones i know about.👇

✨Foster parent assimilation

✨Relative parents assimilation ,this is usually done by a family member

✨Covered parents assimilation, biological parents and not included

✨Uncovered parents assimilation biological parents are involved

✨Cross-border parent assimilation

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Instead of terminating the pregnancy, it more advisable to keep the child, providing a good and loving home for the child is a better option, this would enable the child to have a bright future and have a chance to experience the love and care from the adopted parents. Adoption is a pretty way to create a family, I want beautiful thing is providing forever for the child.


Like I mentioned earlier a lot of expectant mothers with unplanned pregnancy and likely to terminate or get rid of it, this kind of people need support, the deserve understanding and compassions too, their human being and they have feelings too, chain horses things to them can you them to suicide, how many themselves, exposing the pregnancy to dangers and the worst of them all "ABORTION"
They need things like 👇


financial assistance

counselling programmes

medical care ( antenatal)


Things like this would make them feel better.


Sometimes when abortion is not properly done or handled by a professional, it could lead to severe complications, which can cause a lot of harm to the body system.
I'd be mentioning some of these complications below 👇

✨ severe bleeding

✨ Cramping and severe pains

✨ mood swings, like sadness and guilt

✨ weakness and fatigue

✨ Blood clots

✨ infections

In most cases, serious complications are rare, but when there's one, it can lead to 👇

✨ Hospitalisation

✨ Urgent surgery, due to damage in the uterus or other organs in the body system

✨ Blood transfusions, due to loss of blood

✨ Death, this could occur due to much complications that were unattended to or delayed (this condition is rare)

This is very important to discuss and ask questions with a doctor or an healthcare provider before an after the abortion.


Abortion reference article


While discussing we've seen that decision concerning abortion is a personal choice, it is also important to value and cherish human life, exploring other alternatives that shows the value regarding human life, and also bearing in mind that pregnancy is a gift that is high valued which money cannot buy, it should be treated like a precious treasure.

Thanks for reading through, and to everyone one supporting my blogs by up voting and commenting,i really appreciate, i love y'all 🌻❤️🌹

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