Public transport is really not for the weak.

Hello, everyone.

I welcome you to my blog. As much as we really do not like public transport because of the stress that comes with it, it has a few advantages to hold onto. We have all had both good and bad experiences with public transport. We also get to make new friends, which is an opportunity that private transport does not offer us. Have you ever been on a bus and the conversation being held on the bus was so interesting that you had to pass your bus stop just so you could hear the whole story? This is one of the few fun things attached to public transportation.

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I always pray to board a bus with those women who have all the gossip of the town at the back of their hands; from there, you get to know a lot of things, even the ones you do not wish to. For security reasons, many of these women no longer want to share this gossip on the bus. Some of us miss the days when we got to hear a lot of gossip on the bus. These days, the gossip is limited, and most of the time it is something you already know 😂.

It is no new news that a lot of inconveniences come with boarding public transport, from struggling to get a comfortable seat to struggling to get off the bus while others are struggling to enter. It is really disheartening to see that many of these public transport companies do not really care about the welfare of their customers; they are just after gains and forget that without these customers they won't get those gains, which is making them treat customers badly. I doubt if there is anyone out there who loves everything about public transport. Aside from a few advantages, everything about public transport is not a pleasant experience, especially on this side of the world (Africa).

How do you make 5 people sit on seat meant for 3? As if that is not enough, why carry baggage more than the vehicle is meant to carry, thereby adding to the inconveniences customers suffer? Sometime back while I was traveling to school, usually we stop at some point so passengers can ease themselves and rest before we continue, but this driver refused to stop because the bus was overloaded, and him stopping meant he would have to drop those loads blocking the entrance down to make a way for passengers. That particular journey was a funny one. The women kept raining insults on him, but he never responded. Some even threatened to give him a dirty slap, but that would put all of us at risk, and they were advised to calm down.

one way to make public transportation better and more fun.

There are many things we can actually do to make public transportation a lot better and more enjoyable for passengers. Drivers and public transport companies should consider the comfort of their passengers and not let the gains they are after blind them, and they fail to see how important it is that passengers are comfortable.
Thanks for reading my post.

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