This is the most common phrase by Anthony of Padua, a famous theologian and preacher. I strongly believe in this quote that if you speak out your goals to others you can never achieve them. Make your actions sound so firm that they express that you will surely achieve it.


It's a common observation of everyday life that successful people rarely talk, they never bother to answer every question or every blame someone points on them. They are always busy with their own work, then the patience and consistency they show during the journey pay off in a way that their success answers every hatred and every question someone points to them.


Another saying of a famous poet here (Adiba )

“Speak less, do more, By following this you will get nearer to your goals”


So let me take you to my past life experience which will surely add value to these words

When I was in class 9th. A new student took admission in our class. She was beautiful, confident, and habitual of getting everything that she wanted, maybe because belonging from a rich family made her like this. I was the one who was the topper of my class but habitual of speaking at very rare scenarios.


During the year my friends told me most of the time she said that this year I will surely get the first position before she takes it because I was not there but I was never one who fought with her or said something behind her back. I was silent and working as I always do.

And when the result came out my name was at the top of the list and she was at second. It left all her talks just talk there was nothing which she can do with results.

So that day made this statement fixated in my mind that if you become deaf to people's statements is the day you learn the way to live your life and then no one can stop you from what you wanted to.

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