While We Dream of Mars, Earth Burns: Redefining Exploration Priorities

A few days ago, one of my colleagues at work was talking to us about how things were happening underground and when they’re spoken about those speaking up are made to look like liars. This whole discussion started when someone spoke about NASA and what they were doing there.

From the discussion, I got to find out that people suspected that space exploration was actually a lie because in an interview once, Elon Musk spoke about how they couldn’t penetrate into outer space. This has got me thinking if all the pictures and updates we’ve been receiving are all fake. Did we really land on the moon or even Mars as they say? Or we are just made to believe such things are happening. Ah well, we would never know because most of us tend to believe what we see and are being told.

I always wonder how much impact we can have on our world if we invested the money used for space exploration on helping the needy on earth. With the amount of money Elon Musk has, I bet he could feed all the poor people on earth to some extent. But guess what, he decided to rather use that money to go to Mars. This earth is already so huge I don’t think we would ever exhaust exploring. So, why then do we go forward to explore Mars. What at all are we looking for in Mars that isn’t here on earth.

I feel sometimes we humans tend to lose focus. Because tell me why innocent lives are being lost to senseless wars when huge amounts of monies are being spent just to take people to Mars to do God knows what. Why don’t we rather invest this money in other things that would help the less privileged among us. If we can’t even help ourselves as humans what then are we exploring Mars for because even if we find out we are able to survive there, only one person cannot go and stay there. You need others to live life.

If you ask me, I’d say space and Mars exploration is really really not necessary at this point in time. With how the world is going, there are more things to focus on and exploring Mars isn’t one of them. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to explore outer space, it’s really good. But then, why don’t we rather make our world a better place first before going on to invest in other worlds.

Human beings are very unpredictable and so it’s no surprise all these things are going on. You can’t tell someone what to use his money for, the best you can do is hope and pray that he sees the right path sooner.

all images were generated by meta AI

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