Is This All There Is?

Only God knows how much I have prayed for the weekend to arrive. No one told me this was how being an adult would be like. Sometimes I wonder if we consider the responsibilities associated with the future we look forward to having.

Allow me to elaborate and then ,you can give it some thought. A year ago, I wished to be where I am today, doing what I’m doing now and all of that , but I really didn’t think to consider if I would actually be able to handle all the responsibilities that came with being here. I guess we would cross the bridge when we get there, that’s what everyone says.

I think the worst part of being an adult is realising you can’t just wake up and decide not to show up. The world doesn’t really care about how you feel or what mood you’re in. You have to wake up everyday , show up and get the work done , that’s if you live to see the next day.😂 Must be tough.

And then, when you think oh, it’s finally weekend. I might probably get some rest. Surprise surprise, the weekend also comes with its responsibilities. Yesterday, I opened my mouth to tell @yahuzah I would be resting this weekend because I’ve had a tough week. I even added that I would be unreachable this weekend but look who’s here. Heaven knows I haven’t had even a minute to spare since I woke up this morning. If this is the life of an adult then I’d rather go back to being a kid.😂

I for one am someone who prioritises my rest over every other thing. It’s surprising how life changes people.😂 Over the last month, I’ve been so drained to the extent that I’ve totally withdrawn from people. Someone might think I’m avoiding them but truth is, I really don’t have the energy for any other thing because at the end of the day, I’m left with about 3 hours to rest and off I go to kick the next day in the ass.

I guess this is how our lives are going to be for a while. But I know that with time we would all settle in. It gets better with time. Life is not magic but I wish for some magic to happen in my life soon enough.😅

all images belong to me.

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