Buzzing Success of Hive Book Distribution at Joseph Adabayere Memorial Junior High School-Inspiring Our Future Leaders

Hello guys,

I hope you’re all doing well and having a good day. Today I bring you good news and updates on the activities of we the @Hiveghana and @hivestudentshub team. Thanks to the leaders of @Hiveghana , @hivestudentshub and our supporters,we the members in Navrongo finally had our book distribution exercise. Isn’t that amazing?

image designed by me on canva

Yesterday, along with @abu78 and @yahuzah, the Hive Ghana team in Navrongo carried out our book distribution exercise at the Joseph Adabayere Junior High school. It wasn’t an easy ride but we finally got to do it.

First things first. How did we come to have our book distribution? Well, we met with the headmaster of the school who is in the person of Mr Francis Xavier and spoke to him about our intentions of helping his students and also encouraging them to study and well as promoting hive in the process.

You know, every institution has leaders and this school being a public school has leaders at the district level also. We were directed by the headmaster on the appropriate channels to go through to make this a success. Good thing is, he was very supportive throughout this whole process and he was always available when we needed some help with anything.

After everything was done and approved, we set a date which was yesterday for our exercise. Man, I couldn’t wait for this day to come.

We decided to have our exercise as early as 9:00am so as to not interfere with their studies. We left our various hostels very early and got to the premises before the said time. As we arrived, we were warmly welcomed by the headmaster who looked really happy.

We spoke about how the exercise was going to be done. Since the students were less than 100 in number we decided to gather them all in once class and speak to them. After all, the more the merrier.😅
The teachers of the institution were also not left out.

Everything was set and ready for our show. Being a talkative and also the only lady in the team, I decided to have the first speak. Looking at these students, I was really overjoyed to see them striving hard for excellence. This made me remember those days when I was just like them. Indeed times change.

So, I introduced everyone to hive , how hive works, the various aspects and what we do on hive. The place looked a bit dull so I chipped in a few jokes here and there to lighten up the mood. That’s what I do best lol😂

Then my mate @abu78 the gamer took over. He educated them on the various hive games, how to play them , how to earn from them and how important they are in developing our IQ. I totally agreed with him on this. Sometimes we need games to sharpen our minds because some of these game’s challenge is to think deeper. What’s the point of playing games if you’re not being challenged?😅

From there, @yahuzah took over with his dancing lessons.😂 He also spoke about some aspects of hive such as arts, music and dance. The made them understand that hive isn’t only about writing but rather , it’s a place for everyone. Through the whole talk, the students and teachers were very attentive and they looked amazed.I bet they were thinking ‘how haven’t I heard of this before?’. Well, that’s why we are here. 😅

After @yahuzah’s speech, I then took over to proceed to main reason why were present at their school which was the book distribution. We wanted everyone to feel involved so we called upon the teachers to aid us in the book distribution. It was a very lovely exercise as it was smiles everywhere. We also didn’t forget to reserve some books for absent students. For missing the whole show, they also deserved some books.

After the books were distributed, we took some questions. I was surprised by the questions these students asked because they were such brilliant questions. The teachers also asked their questions and we also answered with the appropriate answers.

We had a few books left so we had a question and answers session where we asked a question and anyone who got the the right answer got the chance to grab an extra book.

Then, @abu78 decided to have a giveaway session with the few books left after the Q&A session by randomly giving any student a book. Everyone wanted the be the lucky one but we can’t all be lucky lol.😅

We took some pictures outside the classrooms with the students and teachers after the exercise.

We then made our way to the headmaster’s office where we signed the visitors from and also thanked the Headmaster and the teachers for their guidance, time and patience. They also thanked us and expressed how happy there were about this exercise.

It’s never too late to inspire anyone to do better. It’s the little things that matters so in all we do, let’s try to inspire our young ones because they are the future.

I would be uploading videos of the whole exercise because I want to share this joyous moment with you all.
I hope you enjoyed reading this. Thank you.

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