Welcome to 3Speak

Hi guys,

It is another blissful day and i am happy to come your way with another series of sharing my knowledge on a Dapp or a subject matter. For this next series, as mentioned in our last look at curation trails, we are going to learn about the 3 speak interface, how we can setup an account and make the best us of the App.

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For those of us who are funs of video content creation i do hope that this aids you and that you develop passion for the platform. 3speak is quite simple and interactive and you shouldn't have much of any difficulty follow whatever i may have to share with you as the days goes by. So for today, we are just gonna introduce ourselves to the platform.

Welcome to 3speak

You may have already heard of the threespeak platfrom, if you haven't then what you need to know is that, threespeak is a Dapp, a platform just like hive.vote that we learned about previously which gives you the option or enables you to post or share content on the blockchain in the form of video.

It works just like how youtube does just that it is based on the blockchain principles and so do not go to threespeak hoping to build followers like youtube so you can gain views and get paid monthly. No, it doesn't work like that, the principle is just as you writing a post applies however video creation makes content creation quite easier and faster and the threespeak platform has optimized a lot of things to make upload easier and synchronization with your hive account simple.

And so for today we are going to learn about how we can create or get a threespeak account;

  • The first thing to do obviously, would be to visit their website, which is 3speak.tv Once here, You proceed to signup, this can be found on the upper left side of your screen. Note that we are signing up because we do not have account with them yet, if we did then we would be signing in.

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screenshot from 3speak.tv

  • Next you get the interface below, if you have an account already, then you can proceed to put in your credentials and go straight to sign in, however, since this is our first time and we don't have an account, we are going to click on sign up with existing hive account

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screenshot from 3speak.tv

  • We will now have these space where we get to input our username, password and email after which we sign up. You will get a mail though for which you should follow whichever instruction may be there to get you signed in to your 3 speak account. And so now when we get to stage two again, we now input our credentials and sign in.

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screenshot from 3speak.tv

PS: Sorry i am not showing the last part of stage three, i already have an account and couldn't recreate another.

  • So now we sign in, once in, we now have to add our hive account to our 3speak account so its synchronized such that when we upload a video we can post it with our hive account to whichever community we would want to post to. And so on the upper left corner where you see my profile picture, we are going to click there and add account

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screenshot from 3speak.tv

  • Next we select connect existing Hive account, we input the hive account in the space that is provided, we add our private key on the next page that pops up and voila we are in. You do not have to worry about your keys or posting authority with threespeak as it can be very trusted and it is well secured.

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screenshot from 3speak.tv

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screenshot from 3speak.tv

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screenshot from 3speak.tv

Once in, you can now access your dashboard where you can see all videos you may have uploaded, curation rewards, the option to upload a video, total views, total followers etc.

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screenshot from 3speak.tv

We would be going through these as time goes by for now once you have successfully obtained your threespeak account explore the interface and leave a comment for me on your first experience and thoughts with the platform.


Do not be afraid to explore, the more you do the more you find a lot more for yourself, however if you are uncertain of anything leave it and get more information from people who may have used the platform for a while so you do not end up doing anything you didn't intend to do or harm your account in anyway.

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image by @nattybongo

In our next lesson we will look at the process of uploading a video to any particular community you are a member of and adding the necessary details. I do hope you stay do, i encourage all of us to give it a try in the creation of the account and linking to your hive account. Kindly let me know if you face any challenges. Cheers and have a blissful time.

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