My First Dating Experience

Well if my memory serves me right, then i can put this experience somewhere about 3 years ago, back in school when i was in my 5th year of schooling, it was a pleasant experience though and i think it set a good example for me when it comes to dating and all, but let me take you through how this "love story" unraveled and how this whole dating thing became my first. (Spoiler: I' currently single but do enjoy the read).


image by @nattybongo

So i got close to this friend on mine when i was in my forth year, she was introduced to me by my roommate who was an old friend of hers, they lived in the same hood growing up and we were within the same hostel at that point so they used to visit him.

Then one day my roommate decided that he was gonna play matchmaking, for whichever reason he decided on this course, i do not even know. Well i kinda found out later though, his point was that he doesn't understand all four of us in the room were single, and he was worried i'd probably complete the 6 year program and still be single.

As to why that was something to be worried about, i did not know because to me i came to school to learn and nothing else right? I mean i have to bag that degree and get that title and be competent for my future patients and make my parents proud, however as open minded as i am and the exploring individual i tend to be, i said, well, this would hurt? I hope it doesn't affect my CWA though, lol.

So her roommates each, picked one guy from our room, we called it the room alliance, it was like a competition, let's see who wins and which couples stick together, my match was fun and exciting and she made me enjoy the friendship so much in that i liked food and she kinda started bringing some delicious delicacies when i asked for them, initially i was just playing around but then one morning she brought in Tom Brown with bread and omelette and tin of milk. She said i have been asking for it for a long time so she decided to satisfy my cravings today.


image by @nattybongo

That was when we started getting closer, in my attempt to repay her for her kindness i asked her out on a couple of outings, now i am using the term outing because dating was the last thing on my mind and i only saw her as a good friend as at that time. And so we went to swim together a lot of times because i loved being in the pool, then we hang out at the cafeteria and did movies night with her roommates at our end.

So this went on for a whole academic year, its quite interesting how i just enjoyed the company and fun and all and my mind still never went to the whole dating thing, in 5th year she was in her final year because she was a year behind me and was doing a 4-year program. Then, one evening while we watched a movie with my then roommate, (i was in a two in one at that time), she asked if i liked her and if i have ever considered the possibility of being more than just friends.

It kinda felt like an ambush and didn't have much of a good reply but i was courteous enough to say oh yeah and i think we should discuss this again because the movie is nice and we are missing out. It was obvious that i was running away from the conversation but it worked, it gave me something to think about though and after some deliberations i realized that we could actually take this off, who knows it might work, besides i would be graduating soon, do i really need to do a 6:0 as we mostly refer to it.

So i gave it sometime and i asked her if we could be a "thing", she said she would like that very much, it was nice feeling being belonged to someone, i mean you have someone to show off and say this is my person, we started going out on dates, visiting fun restaurants and movies and stuff, the whole experience was just thrilling and although it affect my average just a little bit because it was still a little of a distraction, i am glad i got such a wonderful experience for my first date. It's unfortunate we ain't together today however i'd always be grateful for wonderful lessons learnt in the art of love.


image by @nattybongo

It is such a pleasure to also have this opportunity to share this experience with the entire community, great topic and activity for the week. Thanks so much for this and i do wish you a blissful time.

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