Why Tolerance is Important in the Workplace

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog, this is another topic from the hiveghana community, I hope you enjoy reading here.

To work well together, we must have tolerance. When people tolerate each other in the office, work flows smoothly and things progress. But when there is no tolerance, work grinds to a halt. Tolerance is crucial for workplace productivity.

Firstly, we must tolerate different backgrounds. The people we work alongside are not the same as us. Their family background may be different, the kinds of culture and beliefs they were raised with. Some people's beliefs prohibit them from doing certain things. Or they have practices that seem strange to us but are normal in their upbringing. Let's not get upset or combative because of these differences. Tolerate and try to understand where the person is coming from.

Additionally, we should tolerate different personalities too. Some people are more shy, some more bold. Some are more serious, some more playful. When there is a mix of personality types in an office, it can cause clashes at times. But let's avoid harshly judging others. Tolerance means allowing differences, not forcing everyone to be the same.
Even different working styles require tolerance. Some workers prefer to work independently in quiet. Others like teaming up on projects. Some function well with clear instructions. Others are more innovative when given freedom. All these working approaches can yield results. Let's refrain from forcing our own style onto others.

With tolerance, we will see that people very unlike us have a lot to contribute. Diversity makes an office smarter and better at what they do. Different backgrounds, thinking, skills make the team whole. But without tolerance, we will only hire and promote people similar to us. And we will not grow.

Minor misunderstandings are bound to transpire when people work closely together. Let's use tolerance to resolve matters. If your coworker offends you, try to understand it may have been a mistake or they didn't grasp your perspective. Don’t hold onto anger and fracture the relationship. Tolerate imperfections and move forward in peace.

When tolerance exists, communication will flow easily. People will feel open to share ideas without fear of judgment. Conflicts will get resolved quickly so work can carry on. But when tolerance is absent, people start hiding things, gossip spreads. Trust and team spirit break down. Work does not progress smoothly.

So I would say tolerance has its limits. We should tolerate differences in culture, personality and working styles - it helps a workplace thrive. But we should not tolerate dishonesty, racism, harassment or anything that hurts people. Stand up against those things. Overall though, tolerance will improve how we collaborate.

To build tolerance, we must first examine ourselves. What are your own prejudices and assumptions? Try to see people as individuals, not stereotypes. Next make an effort to understand your coworkers’ background and perspective. Patience and empathy will raise tolerance.

When issues come up, address them respectfully. Listen without judgment and find common ground. If you are a manager, model tolerance for the team. Value the diversity each person contributes. With tolerance, we can achieve more together.

In summary, tolerance enables a collaborative, productive workplace that allows different people to work successfully together. It comes down to trying to understand others rather than dismissing them because they are not like you. Tolerance takes patience, empathy and seeing the human behind the stereotype, but it is worth striving for.


Thanks for reading here❤️❤️

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