Good morning everyone.... It's a wonderful time to be here again.... Welcome to my blog this beautiful week....
I will be sharing with us some of the beautiful motivations I usually get from our legends motivators and has kept me going even when the journey looks tough....

For is hard and tough, we need people to push us harder to the top by at least... with words of encouragement and motivation...
Alot of times.. I always want to give up because of the how hard and tough the journey's always very bad, but when I come across this all this motivations... It comes me going, it soften my day and I won't give up even if I was at the verge of giving up...


The first motivation I love is....
*Every great story on planet earth happened when someone decided not to give up but kept going no matter what

I have seen the likes of legends who have great stories to tell.....and I am always very curious to know how they were able to move to the top even with thousands of setbacks and failure.... They kept pushing ahead, they didn't give up...
So when I remember the motivation, I always have a reason to forge ahead because I want to also have a story to tell the world....

The only person that you are destined to be is the person you decide to be

Omor.... I can tell you that this motivation carries weight. When you decide to be something, that is what you will definitely become... So imagine, you don't want to become anything.... You just want to leave like that, definitely you won't succeed... You are not even destined for anything na...
So, each day, this motivation always motivates me not to forget to decide what I want to be...

Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts*

I have seen a lot of people that fails and then they look down on their selves. I have been in that category.... Everytime I failed, I cried badly and I am always Afraid to keep moving forward because I am always Afraid to fail...
But then I will always remember that failure isn't bad, it's the ability to stand up dust your failure that strengthens us and makes you a winner....
I am able to forge ahead because I didn't allow My failures to weigh me down... I carried this motivation at the back of my Palms... I dust myself and continue that's what makes me stronger.


The only way to work, is to love what you do*

Omor... I have seen people tell me.. why do you want to be a teacher, why this, why that, why are you studying education in school...
Must I go for doctor, lawyer, etc before I can succeed? ... All those talk always give me reasons to give up.... But I have seen that in other for me to work, the only way out is for me love every single thing I do so that I won't find it difficult to fit in and do my work perfectly fine.... If I don't love what I do, I will keep failing no matter how much I try.

There are alot of other great motivations that has moulded my life and I am still on my feet today because of these motivations... I would have given up because of how the journey gets tough but it will only make me a loser and a failure....

Thank you for stopping by my blog.
I really appreciate 💚 ❤️

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