A healthy human relation is enhanced by certain factors and when any of those factors are neglected, there is bound to be a misunderstanding between the parties relating. Human relationship is very delicate and the least mistake one makes can end ruining a good relationship that was running quite smoothly even for years.

One of the most important factor that either enhances or destroys human relationship is respect.
It is important to know that every human being deserves respect. Whether the person is a child, a youngster, an adult, a male or female, he or she deserves respect.

Respect means different things to different people though. The way one is spoken to, the way one is treated and the way one is acted on shows the level to which the person is respected.

On a more personal note, respect to me means "proper speech mannerism". You can't talk to me anyhow you feel like no matter the situation and whoever involved. The manner with which I am addressed over a thing matters to me a lot. Even in a situation of mistake, error, offense, disorder, disappointment and all that, I still believe that there is still a proper way to address the case with hurting the next person.


I feel hurt the more with words than even with actions. This is why respect to me is the way you address me. If you truly respect my person, you will represent that in the way you address me and not speak to me in a disrespectful manner with the claims that you respect me.

To know how serious this can be, I have ended friendship with a number of people who disrespect me by the way the talk to me. Immediately I discover that anyone speaks to me in a disrespectful manner, I cut off whatsoever relationship or ties I had with you. Some months ago, I resigned from my job because I had a boss who was so abusive and saucy. I mean, this is someone that can embarrass someone anytime and anywhere. I couldn't stand her talking to me so disrespectfully at every slightest opportunity. At first, I made a bold step to approach her about it but she took it for granted, maybe because she was an older person. By the time she realised it, I was already gone.


Disrespecting a person has a negative implications on the person disrespected and even on the people who witness someone being disrespected. It could lead to anger, depression and low self-esteem as well as other mental issues. I am of the opinion that everyone should be deliberate about showing respect to one another and for your mental health, walk out of any relationship that is not giving you the respect you deserve.


Thank you for reading through my blog. I am mharvis.

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