To Love And To Be Loved Is No Fairytale; Love Works When You Put In The Work.

It becoming emotionally draining for me and i'm so getting exhausted of complaining and earnestly trying to modify you into that sweet loving boyfriend i saw in you before saying "yes".
Though, you are by far beneath my long fantasized "Dreamed Guy" who i envisaged to be the BTH ( black,tall and handsome) but, you my sweet darling is a perfect cliché of "what i ordered versus what i got" because, you're FSC ( fair, short but cute).
Why then did i say yes to you, you might want to ask this in return? You should know i'm so big on love. Skin color, physique and facial appearance are all superficial and transient but love? Hell No! Love remains. I chose you in spite of all,why then are you doing this to me or did i made a big fool out of myself by choosing to love you?

We argue a lot these days over trivial matters and we scarcely have sane conversations like every other average adult, the sparks in this relationship has extinguished due to your lackadaisical act,that sounds so cliché to you right? Dee! can't leave me,she's forever stuck with 'cos she loves me.
But read my lips, read in between them. I Dorcas love myself too much like very much to be forever stuck with someone like you who's all mouth but failed to act it. Please change for me,I'm begging change for us,not to this worst have been experiencing for couples of months but to that sweet, caring and loving guy that didn't gave up on his love despite pushing you away for two solid years.
Or is there another lady who's now getting all of your attentions which i'm being deprived of ?

After i had lashed out all of those words on him, i was finally out of words, expectantly i was waiting for Dave to continue from where i stopped and put a pause on his long stare at me. However, he wasn't, it was if he went blank and his mind was absent althrough my long nagging.

Dave! Aren't you gonna say anything? I asked.
Still, he was budging. His long silence is beginning to steam me up so i headed to the doorway and as I was about to grab the doorknob, he grabbed my right arm swung me by 360 degree and landed a kiss on my lips. I'm sorry Dee! he mumbled as he kissed me passionately, all of the steaming anger in me dissipated,he knew what I needed..chuckles.

Dee! it's work.
There's no other lady anywhere, work has lately been taking a toil on me, I know i should have at least communicated this instead, but i do not want to be a bother. But you see in the end, i made you bothered,I made you question my love for you.
I'm sorry once again, I'll retrace my steps and change to be that Dave that spends quality time with you,
That Dave that gives you all of his attention,
That Dave that was so clingy with you before you gave a positive nod to this relationship .
I love you Dee! and nothing can change that.
We hugged each other and there our love story continues...........

Love is a mere word until it been acted out. When you genuinely love someone you automatically wanna show how great of a lover you are. You wanna spend quality time with them, you wanna touch them and spoil them with gifts not minding your little earnings,you are willing to go extra miles for them.
And yeah! that's real love, that's how every real love should be as far as i know.
And that's my LOVE LANGUAGE!

© Medemausi

Pictures Source: Pexel

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