Direction Over Speed: Growing on Hive

photo credit to @mcsamm

As a newbie on Hive, I always remind myself to focus on building rather than achieving overnight success. I have been on this platform for four months now, and I still classify myself as a newbie trying to be relevant.

One of the most critical principles I have learned is to prioritise direction over speed. Let's face it; most of us start on Hive with the intention of making money. We want to create content that will attract a lot of upvotes from curators and comments, hoping to earn substantial rewards. While this is a valid goal, it's not the only one we should strive for.

For me, focusing on direction means creating content that aligns with my passions, interests, and values. It means building a personal brand that reflects who I am as a person, rather than just chasing after likes and followers.

Building a personal brand takes time, effort, and patience. It's not something that can be achieved overnight. But, if you focus on direction rather than speed, you'll find that the journey becomes more enjoyable and rewarding.

One of the biggest mistakes I see Hive newbies make is trying to copy other successful content creators. While it's always a good idea to learn from the best, it's essential to find your own voice and style. We are different people with different stories. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. The more you create, the more you'll discover what works for you and what doesn't.

Another crucial aspect of focusing on direction is setting realistic goals. One can easily be influenced in the hype and set unrealistic expectations. But, this will only lead to disappointment and frustration. Take the time to set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

As a Hive newbie, I have learned that direction is more important than speed. Focusing on building a personal brand that aligns with my passions, interests, and values has made the journey more enjoyable and rewarding. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things, set realistic goals, and most importantly, stay true to yourself.

Happy Hive-ing!
Yours @lifeof.abdul

I hope you found this useful. I am Abdul-Salam Issahaku, from Ghana. I am a student web developer and a blockchain enthusiast. I blog about technology, life and investments. You can follow me to be part of my Hive family. Thank you for your time.

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