My favourite day

Hello hiveghana community, how was today?


there is a saying that everyday is a great day, if you don't believe it try to miss one

everyday has thier own special trait, each day has one thing or the other that they are known for
most people are lovers of Saturday and Sunday because they are basically free days

my best day in the week has always been Saturdays
when I was still in primary school and college I loved Saturdays because that's the only day I get to be really free and i eat the way I want, to my satisfaction, because even on Sundays I am mostly occupied, I was an usher in my church then, as an usher we get to church early before anyone and go home after everyone we don't sit down because we had to make sure everything is in perfect order, its a lot of work

to make matters on Sundays worst my mother always gives us this special mandate of fasting to the church, we mostly eat in the afternoon on Sundays that's after coming back from church.

other days are little fun too, you scarcely have time to play, only if you are stubborn.

*but on Saturdays, you go to bed late on Fridays without being questioned, wake up at your own leisure time, eat as many time as possible if available, play a lot and work less but only to work more on Sunday.

that's why I love Saturdays when I was much younger, but old things have passed away, like the great apostle Paul said, I have put away childish things.

my reasons for loving Saturdays out of all days have changed.
change is the only constant thing in this world, Saturday is a day to enjoy, relax or catch fun but for me Saturdays are my check and balance day, it means on Saturdays' I check and I balance.

on Saturdays I ask myself the three most important rhetorical question of all time which are {where was i? where have I gotten to? where would I be tomorrow?}

I cross check and double check what I have achieved for the week so far, and it's on Saturdays I set goals for the upcoming week which in my calendar starts on Sunday, not on Monday.

I like to rid myself of the word, people have parties on Saturdays nothing else, a popular notion in Nigeria, especially my tribe, Yoruba.

planning parties or attending them has never been my strong side but I love parties, its ironic I love parties but don't attend them.

my priorities are how to set my goal for the following week, not how to attend parties.

Saturdays are also special to me because I get to watch my favourite sport, football. I am not normally chanced during the week or on Sundays.

this is why I love Saturdays
Stop Motion Easter GIF by Mouse

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