Little Things Make A Big Difference In Relationships


Do you think that love is beautiful? Do you think love brings that tingly sensational feeling? Do you still believe in love and butterflies? I know a lot of people have had ugly experiences when it comes to love, but it doesn’t mean that love is a scam. Love is a beautiful feeling that can change the world. It is a feeling that evokes happiness, changes people, and makes them do beautiful things. I’ve also had ugly experiences when it comes to love, but what I can say is that love is beautiful when you’re with the right person. Yes! I agree that love is not totally pure. There are risks involved in loving someone. However, the beautiful feelings/advantages outweigh the benefits and are fathomless.

There are so many things you can compare with love- poetry? Music? Movies? Games? The list goes on and on, but nothing matches the power of love. Love is love in its purest form. Love can grant you strength out of nowhere. When you feel down, and you think the world is against you, love can make you feel whole again. It is a vital source of joy and happiness. In my opinion, earth would be in a better place if humans could just learn how to love wholeheartedly.

Like I mentioned earlier, being in a relationship with the right person is the best thing ever (when it comes to this love thingy) Have you ever been in a relationship with someone that marked your boxes? Have you ever been in a relationship with the love of your life? Have you ever dated a romantic person? Blushes If you have, then I’m sure you’ve experienced what true love is. Nowadays, it is really hard to find true love. There are people out there enjoying the perks of falling in love with the right person (I’m jealous of them) but, really, it is hard to find the “right person.”

If there’s something you should know about me it is the fact that I’m a lovey dovey person. I like love. I love love. I cherish love. Relationships shouldn't always be about going to clubs together. Sending “I love you” texts every time, wearing matching outfits, and doing silly things. When you’re in a relationship with a person, you should connect with the person on a personal level, share dreams, and fears, uplift each other, and become one. When you’re in a relationship with someone, every little moment becomes an opportunity to make sweet memories.

When it comes to love, what makes your heart race? Going on dates to expensive restaurants? Calls? Texts? Clubbing? The list goes on and on. For me, it’s the silly, sweet, awkward and little things that do it. Walking hand in hand on cold nights when the sky is as dark as a moonless night with twinkling stars scattered into strategic places. Oh lord! The feeling sends fluttering waves down my heart. It’s magical. It ignites an indescribable feeling within that fills my face with big smiles, and my soul with joy and passion.

The little things make a difference. It doesn’t have to always be big things. Have you ever gone on a “peaceful” date with the love of your life? In my opinion, clubbing is overrated. Going to a place where people play silly music, dance, and throw up is just not for me. Have you ever gone to a cinema with the love of your life? Oh my! Oh my! Going to a cinema with the love of your life is like stepping into a new world filled with butterflies, vibrant colors, and red roses. A remarkable journey where you get to isolate yourself from the rest of the world and focus your eyes on big screens. Holding hands, laughing, silently stealing soft kisses… this is…

Okay! I’ll stop here. That’s my take on Hive Ghana’s prompt: “What is your favorite thing about being in a relationship”

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